Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Alhamdulillah my Uncle and Aunty has safely arrived from performing Haj yesterday and the majlis berzikir is completed without a hitch.. Funny how I tease my cousins of crying at the airport when they were picking up their parents and when I greeted my Aunty and Uncle at thier home I cried too.. I guess tears of joy lah kali ah.. hehe

Dia has been developing some funny rituals lately where she would want to see a video on our phones before she goes to sleep.. It doesn't matter if its a barney video or a video of herself that we took.. On most occasions we notice that she is not even looking at the video and when we turn it off or move it away she would stop feeding and insist on watching the video.. Both Anjai & I finds that funny and odd! LOL

And Thanks everyone for your well wishes (here, on MSN, FB, Twitter).. Please pray that all will go well with the pregnancy and Little Bub will be sihat dan sempurna.. *amin* Insyallah will share Ultrasound pictures at the end of the year when we have one.. hehe

Oh i saw pics of when I was carrying Nadia and I hope I don't get THAT big! LOL

TC: I SOOOO want to go to Singapore..! (boleh ku ckp aku mengidam kah jua tu?? LOL) Hopefully sampai lah we re-live our Spore moments ah.. huhu

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