Friday, April 1, 2011

29 March 2011.. another date that I think I will remember for the rest of my life.. That day is when Anjai had a near miss. While on his morning jog at the beach with his colleagues he experienced a minor heart attack.. His colleagues took him to A&E Tutong hospital and soon after called me.. I arrived at approximately 10am and was informed that they had several tests done on him; blood test, EKG, x-ray, etc and results so far were normal however Hubs still had some pain in his chest. Dr decided to admit him for observation at the ward and keep on with the tests..

He had his 2nd blood test at 1.30pm and when the results came out at 3pm it indicates that there is some damage in his heart.. Dr told us that he is tansferring Anjai to JPMC but was being vague re what happened but I can see/feel the sense of urgency in his action. He pulled me aside and told me re the results of his blood test and when I saw Anjai next he asked me what was wrong and told him seems like blood test is indicating some irregularities so they are just bringing him to JPMC to check as a precaution..

Off he went in the ambulance and I chose to drive.. As soon as we arrived, Anjai was rushed into the operating theater and the Dr told me that they are going to insert a tube an inject a dye in order to find out what is wrong. I was rushed out of the OT and was left alone standing in the corridor trying to digest what is going on. After about 20mins, one of the nurse brought me back into the OT and the Dr then explained to me that they saw in total 3 blockages in Anjai's artery.. He then told me that he will perform Angioplasty where he will balloon the artery and it was to be done NOW. I was then rushed out of OT into the lonely corridor again..

At this point I reached my maximum limit and broke down.. A million and one things went in my head..! I did not understand what the dr so to comfort myself I researched online. Read that the risks are very low..

After about another 40mins, the nurse came out and I was again brought into the OT. Dr told me procedure went well and showed the before and after scan of Anjai's artery.. When I saw him he looked tired and smiled at me. I of course had blotchy, red nose and red eyes! LOL

He was then moved into the ICU and by Wednesday night he was moved to the normal wards and was discharged this afternoon..

So what next? We will now have to change our lifestyle, change our diet and Anjai will have to quit smoking..

We feel uber blessed and I am personally thankful that he is given another chance cause if this did not happen and we did not find out about the blockage he might not be with us today.. This is also a wake up call for us to try and live a better and healthier life.. Syukur alhamdulillah.. The way i see it, the heart attack is another blessing in disguise..

To family and friends, thank you for your thoughts and prayers.. We really appreciate it..

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