Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mr. Bean

The husband and I always joke about how Nadia loves watching Mr Bean and the cartoon series (Mr Bean basar and Mr Bean damit she calls them) and last night i caught her trying to imitate Mr Bean himself..

Hubs was already asleep by then and i think she thinks i am too.. LoL

Showed the hubs the video this morning and his reaction was 'Anak Mr Bean jua banar' which is what i always say.. Well either that or i ask her if Mr bean is her boyfriend or not.. LOL

Speaking if which, a few weeks back we went to several schools. As the husband and I did out rounds and had a visual inspection of the classes, specifically the kindy class, this boy came to Nadia and held her hand! He was looking at her and saying how nadia is so lawa.. He was also protective! Wouldn't allow other students come near Nadia, even to introduce themselves. Hoho

I think we should be slightly worried that she is pulling these kind of attraction.. Perhaps karate lessons?!? LOL

Name of the boy is Daniel btw and i sometimes ask Nadia 'Daniel atu boyfriend Nadia kah?' and her reply would be 'inda, kawan saja' Good Girl!! LOL

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