Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Alhamdulillah its the 18th day in the holy month of ramadhan and i have fasted the full 18 days.. I am hoping it'll be a full month for me this yr..

I am writing this as i eat up my 3 dates and finish up my large box of vitasoy.. I started this ritual this year in hopes that it will keep my production up and Alhamudulillah i think it has helped and of course my expressing ritual.. I make on average 13oz per day and on Saturday when the hubs and I were on our Day trip to miri i made 16oz..

Reflecting on what my maid tells me, on a normal working day in the past week Sofiyya has only been taking in around 9oz, which is equivalent to my produce if i express once.. Its true what they say then, your body will only produce how much your baby needs. I guess i am writing all of these down to remind myself that i should feel blessed that i am able to make extras..

To other mothers who are struggling to make ends meet ie produce as much as what baby takes in, i can say yes supplements is known to work however as what Is taught to us any doa will not come true without usaha. So my only word of advise is yes take supplements, take boosters however dont forget to stimulate ie pump pump pump. Also please rethink what your expectations are. Dont think just because i took in my supplements and pump terus production increase the next day. It doesnt work that way. you need to first train your body to produce more and once you do, keep at it, preserver, dont slack.. Lastly be thankful. Be thankful that you are producing milk for your babies as you are the only person that is able to do that.. Even if after 20mins of expressing you get 0.5oz, say alhamdulillah.. Do not despair, insyallah, if our niat is tulus and ikhlas, insyallah akan di perbanyakkan dan di permudahkan your bf journey.. Always be positive, even when its tough, look for that silver lining.. I know its hard sometimes so what i usually do is talk to my support group, my breastfeeding buddies. Or look at photos of my ebm stock! Sounds funny but it works for me as it motivates me. Read up on bfing materials..

Sorry for the rather emotional post.. Its 4am and i am reflecting on my bf journey!! HAHAHA

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