Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1st weekend in October 2012

 We have had quite a weekend last week..

It started off with attending malam Jumat-jumataan at Hubs' cousin's place in Batang Mitus. It is basically sembahyang jemaah and hajat for his cousin who is currently one of the haj pilgrims.. Because it was a small family only event we decided to just dress the girls in their PJs and true enough they were better off in comfortable clothes as they were running about here and there with their second cousins..  

the girls with their second cousins
I was on leave Friday so i decided to take the girls out, alone.. Buckled both girls at the back seat and off we went to Tutong town.. I went to the bank to pick up my card and buy some food and by the time i got home, i was BEAT!! huhu

Before we took off and Sofiyya was happily sitting in the car seat. 10mins later she was protesting and kept on saying 'ka' as in buka her safety belt.. hahaha I ignored her of course. So hopefully after a couple of times she will be fully car seat trained!

In the afternoon w=I headed to a good friend's place for her solemnization ceremony.
Most of us

After she becomes someone's wife

Cuddling time with Nenek Girl in the evening
I can't remember when i took this but Sofiyya loves going into this little corner between the cupboard and door..

Sunday was supposed to be a lazy day but we spent the whole morning running errands including servicing my car..
Nadia has the tendency to have both ipad and TV switched on at the same time so i always make her choose which ones she wants and she normally picks the iPad. I suppose having the control over which shows to watch or games to play is more fun for her. I do hope she does not get too attached to the thing tho...

We headed to the football field in the afternoon to watch the hubs and his team
during the break

I just had to put this photo in! Dia had a funny look on her face an i dont know what it is! hahaha

With the winning team!

With the trophy
 And in the evening we had a small celebration to celebrate my mum's 60th birthday!

the simple cake..

My mum with her grandchildren, father and grandmother..
a lovely weekend and i cannot wait for the next one!

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