Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why I do what I do

Breastfeeding for me personally is not an easy task.. There are days that I am very semangat and they are days where I am a lazy bum.. Which is why I pot photos of my stock or write about how much stock I have.. The intention is to remind and act as a motivation for myself.. I am my own cheerleader LOL

This afternoon I moved 120oz of EBM to the deep freezer downstairs cos I am running out of space in the freezer in our room..

My mum told me to slow down with the EBM cause takut expire then I told her, jgn eh cos mana tau kan belayar kah, apa kah.. Hehe besides with FIFO I am sure nada yg expire tu nanti.. Hehe oh and I figured when I go back to work, hormones go back to normal and BM production decreases, I don't have the extra pressure of making sure I make extra on a daily basis.. All I need to do is breakeven in order to replenish what Sofie takes in and maintain the number of stock I already have..

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