Salam and afternoon readers! Apologies for the lack of updates.. Things has been quite hectic lately and my free time is now occupied with quite a few agenda and one big one currently is studying for my exams. Haven't sat for an exam since my uni years and i have to say adjusting my priorities and trying to study with a 2 girls are proving to be quite a challenge!
The girls are doing fine except for a slight sniffle and cough as there seems to be a bug going about. HFMD is also now increasing with a fee schools having to shut down operation for about a week or so. I have resorted to packing a hand disinfectant in her school bag and ensuring that she takes her vitamin daily..
Sofiyya is turning 2 soon!! Which also means i am close to achieving my 2 year goal. I've talked about how i intend to wean her off but don't know how to go about it. It was different with Nadia cos i had to wean her off due to my pregnancy but with Sofiyya now there is no urgency or need to wean her off except for maybe i want her to get more nutrients from other sources (read somewhere that nutrients of breastmillk becomes less relevant as the child turns 2. Dunno to what extent that is true tho). She has been eating and drinking well, taking in what everyone eats and drink. Her particular favorite is Milo and she wil tell her aunty 'aman (nyaman) aunty'. LoL my maid did try giving her Nadia's FM and she took a sip, gave the bottle back to her aunty and said 'nda aman aunty' LOL In terms of stocks alhamdulillah still in abundance and i have continued to express once a day still..
Speaking of her birthday, dunno what i am going to do to celebrate.. Huaaaaa
Ok kids are asleep now and i am going back to my books! Until next time and i hope i can do better in updating this journal of mine..
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