Monday, October 29, 2012

Full week

We have had a full week last week, attending family functions. It started off with Tahlil from Monday-Wednesday, took a short break on Thursday, Aidil adha visiting on Friday, went over to visit Hubs' grandmother in Limbang on Saturday and attended 7 days tahlil on Sunday in Lumut.. My long weekend didn't feel that long afterall. Despite all of that i really do feel blessed and very thankful that we got this opportunity to spend time with both side of our family, despite the circumstances being a sad one..

The girls enroute to kg btg mitus to visit hubs' cousin for aidik adha

Nadia asked me to take a photo of their shoes

With yours truly

Breakfast on Saturday before we headed to Limbang

Sofiyya enjoying a sip of water and enjoying the view

Watching the cat downstairs

With second cousin boboi

Me, enjoying the view (cars pass by) Hehehe

Alhamdulillah, Hubs' grandmother's health has improved significantly since our last visit

The only decent photo of them three and their Yantut i could get

Before heading home we stopped by at my ILs for a quick visit. Its been too long and the kids have missed their grandparents and vice versa.

We got home around 9.30 and this is a photo of Sofiyya crying mengusut.. The whole day's activities must have gotten to her..

Attending tahlil in lumut on Sunday.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

my sunshines

We received sad news on Sunday evening that my cousin who we visited hours earlier passed away.. Al-fatihaha for my late Kaka Momoi.. We pray that she will be placed di antara orang-orang yang beriman.. amin amin.

Monday was a sad day and i was pretty down up until i saw these!! 

Both of us, my husband and I. feel truly blessed to have these 2 girls in my life.. They are indeed our rays of sunshine during the dark and cloudy days.. Syukur alhamdulillah..

an afternoon in KB

We headed to KB on Sunday and had an impromptu lunch with BIL and his family..

the kids being entertained by iPad of course!

Nadia and Darwisy doing the Korean poses! Nadia K-pop, Darwisy Gangam style!

With nenek boy at Suri Seri Begawan hospital where we visited my cousin

headed back home.. my bulat!

and my little clown!

Celebratinghis 36th

We had a small celebration at home, just the 4 of us..

initially I had nothing planned except for the small celebration above and maybe dinner but by 10am that morning his friends and I were in full force planning for the gathering that night at Geotrax bike shop..

his friends setting up

Our excellent cook who cooked up BBQ chicken, Lamb and Mee Jawa

Sofiyya and I

om nom nomm

surprise surprise another CAKE!!!

the four of us

happy faces enjoying the food!

low milk supply

Often we get comments from new mothers saying that their milk production is low.. This is a pretty common comment, I had it when I first had Nadia.. I even had an aunt press on my Bs and said 'its empty'.. I remember I cried my eyes out that evening and vowed that i will do all that i can to make sure 'nada isi' will never happen again.. 

I guess one of the things that needed adjustment back then was my expectation. Being new to breastfeeding and have always known the most convenient form of feeding i.e. FM, I though my Bs will immediately fill and in one sitting i will be able to get 6oz per expressing session. Little did I know that it doesn't work that way.. Our Bs are like muscles, we need to exercise and train them in order to get the produce that we want.. Through my readings and speaking to friends I found out about stimulating our Bs.. alhamdulillah it works for me..

so on most occasions when friends ask me how to increase production, i say stimulate, stimulate, STIMULATE!! Pump, pump, PUMP! 

I came across this website and i thought it would be good to share here.. Happy reading mummies!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy 36th hubs!

Dear Husband,

Happy birthday Sayang..! I always write to the girls but not to you so on this occasion i decided to write you a letter.. To be honest i am lost for words cause if it is the girls i would write about their developments and activities..

I guess one thing that i would like you to know is that happy i am, how blessed and thankful i am to have you in my life.. I am thankful to have such an understanding husband who understands how i need to have my own time, my time with my own friends and time for my own activities. I am thankful that you are loving towards you parents and family, how you never fail to call home when we do not have an opportunity to go back and visit and how you never forget your responsibility as a son. I love the fact that you are close with not only your immediate family but also with your cousins. I love the fact that you make time to attend family functions and include me and the girls as well. 

So sayang, happy birthday.. i have not planned anything special but i do hope you enjoy your day today.. Happy birthday sayang..

Post no 775

This has been on my thought a couple of days now.. With technologies these days its seems like rumors about this and that goes viral very very quickly.. True enough some of the news that was spread through facebook or whatsapp is true but on most cases it appears to be faux. the next day or a couple of days later we see in the news paper certain agencies declaring that those rumurs are not true.. I love the fact that we can stay connected with friends better now but i think we also have be be responsible in making sure that those things are not mis-used..

Post or share responsibly ppl!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Good problem

A couple of days ago i came across a problem, a good one.. I didn't have enough space in my cooler to bring my EBMs home.. Thank god for a 20min journey home..

I had a peek into the mini fridge where we put stocks to be used and saw that Sofiyya is currently consuming late june's stock which means i have 4months' worth of EBMs.. If i take an average of 15oz per day, 22 working days per month multiply by 4 months it means i have approx 1300oz in stock.. Never thought i would have made it this far considering back when it was Nadia's time at most, i have a maximum of 250oz.. So a pat on my back!! Syukur alhamdulillah..

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Project Gold

A friend of mine got married last week and we have been tasked to do this and that.. The color of the wedding is gold hence why we nicknamed the wedding 'Project gold'.. Here are some photos of the wedding day, finale of all the events..

To the newlyweds: congratulations again on your wedding. We wish you both a lifetime of happniess and may your marriage be blessed with lots of love, laughter and babies..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, October 14, 2012


When i get an output like this i feel like a superstar cause i see 2 full bottles! I know its just the normal 5oz bottles and other mums uses 8oz bottles and they can get full bottles but this is an achievement to me nonetheless..

This is my current stock at the office which i have yet moved back home cause i keep on forgetting my cooler! Haha

It has been 3yrs plus since my bg journey started and i have to say that i could never have done it without my support group then and i dont mean one of those group on facebook, and also the amount of time invested in learning about breastfeeding.. My bf buddies would share their experiences and things that they have read about and they would not gloat about it. The reason why i write this is because sometimes i find that those group is an avenue for people to gloat and sell their products. How very different to when it first started where there was genuine sharing of information and learnings done.

I know that sometimes its good to just listen to your friends vent out their frustrations, even i you dont agree. Sometimes all a person want is or someone to listen and not to try and solve their problems for them. I recognise that i sometimes can be a bad listener so i apologise friends if i have not been a good listener.. This is something that i am working on.. LOL

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1st weekend in October 2012

 We have had quite a weekend last week..

It started off with attending malam Jumat-jumataan at Hubs' cousin's place in Batang Mitus. It is basically sembahyang jemaah and hajat for his cousin who is currently one of the haj pilgrims.. Because it was a small family only event we decided to just dress the girls in their PJs and true enough they were better off in comfortable clothes as they were running about here and there with their second cousins..  

the girls with their second cousins
I was on leave Friday so i decided to take the girls out, alone.. Buckled both girls at the back seat and off we went to Tutong town.. I went to the bank to pick up my card and buy some food and by the time i got home, i was BEAT!! huhu

Before we took off and Sofiyya was happily sitting in the car seat. 10mins later she was protesting and kept on saying 'ka' as in buka her safety belt.. hahaha I ignored her of course. So hopefully after a couple of times she will be fully car seat trained!

In the afternoon w=I headed to a good friend's place for her solemnization ceremony.
Most of us

After she becomes someone's wife

Cuddling time with Nenek Girl in the evening
I can't remember when i took this but Sofiyya loves going into this little corner between the cupboard and door..

Sunday was supposed to be a lazy day but we spent the whole morning running errands including servicing my car..
Nadia has the tendency to have both ipad and TV switched on at the same time so i always make her choose which ones she wants and she normally picks the iPad. I suppose having the control over which shows to watch or games to play is more fun for her. I do hope she does not get too attached to the thing tho...

We headed to the football field in the afternoon to watch the hubs and his team
during the break

I just had to put this photo in! Dia had a funny look on her face an i dont know what it is! hahaha

With the winning team!

With the trophy
 And in the evening we had a small celebration to celebrate my mum's 60th birthday!

the simple cake..

My mum with her grandchildren, father and grandmother..
a lovely weekend and i cannot wait for the next one!