Sunday, May 29, 2011

Full term

It's 29th May and LB is 40 weeks along today.. So far no signs of labor.. I guess LB wants to be like Kaka where she decides to greet the world at 40weeks and 1 day.. If things doesn't change I will have an appointment tomorrow at the high risk clinic in Tutong Hospital.. Talking to my aunt who works at the gyne ward, she said chances are that the Dr will induce me as the baby is already full term and to reduce any further risks.. I am hoping we will not resort to that but should that happen please pray that it will be a quick and safe delivery.. Amin..

Dia on the other side, was not feeling too well on Friday night where we noticed her coughs were getting worse and worse.. We took her to the pead clinic on sat morning and dr said seems like there is a chest infection and there is a lot of phlegm in her chest.. So Dr decides to nebulize her.. Told the Dr the whole of clinic and Kiarong will hear and when we were done he said to me 'you are right ah..!' LOL we went away with antibiotics and 2 other meds for her coughs and phlegm..

I was a bit worried cos that morning itself she vomited phlegm 4 times, which is good but the bad thing is that she refused to take anything in.. No to any liquids except for 2-3oz of water and no to any food, even cupcakes.. She was so weak that we decided to cancel the trip to the ILs despite the fact that we were enroute there already.. Alhamdulillah after her nap she woke up to her chatty self and took some Milo in.. Cergas terus eh! LOL

Nadia vs the nebuliser

Note to LM: get well soon sayang.. Mummy wouldn't want to worry about you when I am at the clinic or hospital.. So eat up on your meds ok..
Note to LB: come out and meet us soon ok.. We are all very excited to meet you, hold you in our arms and kiss you..

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Friday, May 27, 2011

The waiting game..

39 weeks + 5 days... And still no significant signs of labor yet.. To be honest I kinda forgotten what the signs were so I had to google it yesterday LOL Each night I pray that the first signs of labour will happen early morning or in the morning as I wouldn't want to leave our place in the middle of the night while Dia is sound asleep..

I have started drinking my red raspberry leaf tea.. Supposed to help during labor and I hope it does although 2yrs ago I started taking it when I entered in my 9th month, and not a few days before EDD.. LOL

On the LM front, Dia has increased her manja factor a notch or two! We have to constantly remind each other not to lose our temper and just let her be.. She is just being extra manja because her Adik is coming very soon.. Although we had to be stern a couple of times pulang jua otherwise.. Tsk tsk tsk..! Other than that LM has not had any midnight feedings for the past 3 nights.. but of course this would mean that she takes more FM before she sleeps..

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


.. and counting..

I just got back from my weekly appointment and most nurses were surprised that I have not popped yet.. Did the normal checks and she said baby is not fully engaged yet but is in the launch position already.. Checked any other signs of labor like bloated feet and red nose, non for me! Looking back I had Nadia at 40+1 and Nor did I have any of those signs when I had Nadia.. Haha

Nurses predicts that I will give birth over the weekend however if I still have not, I have an appointment on Monday at the high risk clinic where I think I will be induced into labor.. I am hoping we will not go to that cause from what I heard induced labor hurts like mad!!

I woke up in the middle of the night again last night thinking what if my BM comes late like when I had Nadia.. And surprisingly hubs brought up the topic while waiting for my turn this morning.. So what we'll do is that i will pump to stimulate milk production if milk decides to make a delayed entry.. Another thought I had in the last couple of days was although we intend to breastfeed the baby for as long as we can but we intend to bottle train the baby as soon as possible.. So the question was should i use the same type of bottles as Nadia (avent) or use a different set/type as this will reduce confusion for the caretakers. Posted up the question on BBM forum in FB and most comments is that we might as well use a diff bottle for LB.. I have narrowed down my choices to either First Years Breastflow bottles or Tommee Tippee Bottles. Will make my choice when I can make our way to Mothercare...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Too fast?

I can't help but feel that my baby girl is growing up a bit too fast.. First it was the earrings..

Then come the heels.. (we bought her her very first one and she was soo happy and proud of her new footwear that she strutted around the store when I asked her to try it out.. She even terpelicuk but that did not stop her..)

Then it's the sexy outfit.. (a cousin of mine bought her a nice dress from Bali but it was a but too big but she insisted on 'pakai baju sexy'.. So we had to buy her one! Previously she would not want to wear something with no sleeve but now...)

Other than picking her own clothes she is also well on her way to being potty trained.. Because she had some accidents so we usually ask her if she wants to use diapers or not.. Nowadays she refused to wear one and sometimes when she wakes up from her nap and she wants to go to the toilet, she would insist that we take her diapers off so she can do her business at the toilet.. Hehe

Cute pulang the fact that we are buying miniature version of adult clothes for her and the fact that she is trying to be a grown up.. Haha but my baby is growing up too soon!!! Esok lusa jadi kaka tiaaaaaa...

Friday, May 20, 2011


This song, whether it is a rendition by Gita Gutawa or Andra and the Backbone reminds me so very very much of my dear husband and my darling Daugther Nadia.. I can never listen to to the song without shedding a tear.. I can't help but think of this song as i was praying for a quick and safe delivery and for Little Bubba to be sihat and sempurna..

So to the loves of my life, Anjai, Nadia and Little Bubba, 'Kau adalah darah ku, kau adalah jantung ku, kau adalah hidupku, lengkapi diriku, oh sayangku, kau begitu sempura..'

(please excuse the hormotional post!! LOL)


4am and I am up! I have been doing this a lot lately, wake up in the middle of the night.. I can't help but think that it god's way of preparing me or mid-night feeding once LB arrives.. I was talking to an aunt and according to her she goes through this for all 8 of her children.. She reckons it's 'uri' of giving birth..

Speaking of giving birth, we have been thinking of where I will do the deed this time around.. When I was carrying Dia we had the same discussion and I believe we are now at the same decision.. Inshallah, if god is willing we will drive down to BSB so I can give birth in RIPAS.. Not that the nurses in Tutong are not well trained but more because Tutong hospital is less equipped in handling emergencies and according to my Aunty who works as a midwife in Tutong, the pead ward is in the same situation.. So to minimize the risks, RIPAS it is.. I just hope I manage to get a room this time around and if that is not on my side, I hope that my bed is not located too far from the toilet like last time around..

Can you do me a favor? Can you please include in your daily prayers that all will be well, it will be a quick and safe delivery and LB will be sihat and sempurna.. Amin.. Thank you..

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Helping Mummy..

.. Sort out the Cot for Adik..

Given that Dia refused to sleep in her cot we told her to let Adik sleep in it..

We changed the sheets and now it's time to put all the stuffed toys in there..

Trying to decide where mr elephant will go

Finally giving the cot a try.. Hehehe

26 months

Dear Dia,

Happy 26 months my darling daughter..

Let me begin by telling you how proud I am on how brave you have been when you had your ear pierced.. You cried for a bit and became uber manja but it has been 4 days and you told your daddy last night 'inda sakit lagi'.. Well done my sayang and I have to say you look very very pretty with your earrings.. We'll buy u some new earrings soon ok..

I have started my maternity leave and in a couple of days you will become a 'kaka'.. We have been warned about how you can possibly be super duper extra crispy manja but nothing could have prepared me for your behavior on Tuesday..! You were clingy and somehow refused to let me cook and eat my lunch.. And how can I forget the whining and crying you did and each time I asked you what you wanted or what was wrong, you jut kept on it.. I have to admit I lost my temper and cried my little heart out of frustration.. Please baby girl, please remember that we will never ever stop loving you.. NEVER! Mummy and Daddy will always love you, no matter what.. With Adik coming it just means that you will now have another person love you unconditionally.. We hope you will reciprocate and love your Adik unconditionally too..

Mr Cough and Miss Sniffles is here for a visit and hopefully it will be a short visit as we have started being unfriendly to them by taking some medications.. Remember how I told the last time you were not feeling well you need to keep up with your food intake? Well this is me reminding you to please eat your food during meal time as it will give you energy to kick mr cough and miss sniffles out of the door..

Other than that I hope you are excited as we are to welcome Adik into our family.. I love you Kaka Big Girl, we love you.. Be good now..


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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

105 days

I am officially on maternity leave..!!

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Getting her ears pierced

Ola peeps!!! Its Monday and I am at work with a serious Monday blues!!! I think its because I thought I would be at home enjoying my leave (or rather be doing some major spring cleaning around the room *never thought I would be so excited to do some cleaning!! LOL*) and NOT at work dealing with what appears to be another hurdle! The only thing to look forward to is Lunch with the girls and my backing up all the stuff in my PC and deleting some unwanted stuff.. *sigh*

This is how Dia looks or act like when we don't let her get her way.. Menyamal!!!!


Sunday was a big day for us.. We finally decided to get Dia's ear pierced! To be honest I don't know who was more nervous, the parents (Read: DADDY) or Dia.. LOL

Dia and I during breakfast

After asking around, we got a tip that there is a place at the mall that does the piercing simultaneously.. so off we went to the mall..
Little Missy suddenly wants to be pushed around in her stroller

Getting her ears marked

This was the very moment the deed was done..

And this is after.. Our little girl cried for about 5-10 mins kali then ok.. But being the drama-queen that she is, she kept on the manja attitude the whole day! And given the fact that she just went through an ordeal, we let her have her way.. LOL

Her pierced ear!

Oh this photo was taken last night!! BELABIH and MCM SIBANAR! LOL

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am getting more and more annoyed with the clinic.. First they move up my EDD by 10 days.. Now, with the new rules on ML, it says that expecting mothers are supposed to start their maternity leave 2 weeks before thier EDD so by right I should start my ML on Monday 16th May. What they told me yesterday was that they will only give me my MC at my next appointment which is 25th May, which is obviously less than 2 weeks to my EDD.. 105 days is 105 days despite when I start it but I guess but what annoys me the most is that there seems to be a lot of inconsistencies..!

Uncertainties makes me nervous!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ketawa kah Marah kah?

I must, must clear out all these folders in the next 2.5 days..

One of the biggest item that I worry about is my projects and so far alhamdulillah I have handed them over to our technical guys on Monday.. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders hehehe now time to tie up loose ends and lift up my feet hehehe

Oh I finally had my kek batik from Empire and I am afraid I have created an epidemic cause now more than 5 ppl wants some and had to order another one to share for Friday.. LOL

On the LM front, Dia has been demonstrating various... ULAHs!! One of them being uber manja, mostly towards her Daddy.. For example the hubs went to shower and not even 1 minute later she asked where her daddy was and went to the toilet and cried for her daddy to come out.. (atu inda over manja inda tah ku tau tu!!). She also showed her rebellious side, refusing to listen to what we told her to do or not to do! Just this evening as I asked her to hold something for me, she went ahead and intentionally poured the liquid out , making a huge mess on our bed..! I of course marah lah.. She ran towards her daddy and said 'jangan kawan mummy'.That for sure cracked hubs and I up but we tried not to laugh to show her that we are not happy with her.. Kan ketawa payah, kan marah payah.. LOL

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

Our weekend started with an impromptu Dinner with the Zams on Friday night!

When there were 5!

Me and my buncit buddy

I looked like I swallowed a watermelon and TC looked like she swallowed half of a watermelon LOL

I finally had bubur sibujang that night for my late supper! nyums!!

Saturday morning: Hubs wanted to go for a jog but LM insisted on tagging along so we took her to Pantai Seri Kenangan.. Poor hubs never got to go on his jog cause LM insisted mesti ada her Daddy..

spider web

Getting ready to slide down the gelongsor

Swing time!!

Dia saying hello to her new pet

trying to see from the top


This is the Ayam kicap cooked by my SIL.. I had this and Nasi Kebun for breakfast and it was YUMMY!!!! Thanks to my SIL who cooked and delivered to my house and my husband who cooked nasi kebun for me.. hehe oh and my MIL who planted the beras pusu and gave it to us!!

We then headed to BSB as I needed to do some shopping for me *SMILE* and then headed to the ILs as we haev not been back there for a while..

LM was still asleep when we got to IL's place so Hubs decided to carry her + car seat into the house..

A mini Mother's day celebration..
One mini cake for each mom in the house altho my SIL was not around :(

MIL, Dia and Yours Truly

This is Dia playing with her Adik!!!

We also had a mini mother's day celebration at home..
4 cakes for 4 moms!

Oh and This is Dia with ALL her Angry Birds doll!! haha Thanks Mai for the additionsss!!! We LOVE it!!! hehehehe

LB is 37 weeks along now and when people find out that my EDD has been moved up by 10 days, people are generally surprised.. I also dont know how or why and the only explanation I can come up with is that LB had a growth spurt..! Oh and as of today I have 4 working days left!!! hehehe

Friday, May 6, 2011

5 working days left..

Minus today, I have 5 working days left.. 5 working days!! And I have yet to start my handover process with my staff because we both had so much to do.. What I find most annoying as well is how people still try to give me things to do.. Mcm HELLO?? If I do those tasks which takes up a significant amount of time, when am I supposed to start and finish my handover? Right before I head to the labor room kah?!?

Last Friday night when I had the cramps, I actually, sincerely thought I was gonna go into labor bah so in between the pain I went and packed my hospital bag and Baby's hospital bag! hahaha Hubs was looking at me pack and I don't know what he was thinking at that time but I am sure its in the lines of 'sakit kan beranak kah?' HAHA

I have been actively following the BFM group on FB and membari ISKI!!! I cannot wait to start BFing again..! I also posted a photo of the famous Langgiroh/sasigan which my mum plants at our compound and told my mum that It was a HIT and people are asking about it.. Told her we should cultivate the harvest even more as banyak org mau but instead she gave marah me a bit cause what if bnyk org mau and inda cukup.. and MALU ia nya!!! LOL SO I told her even if the sayur sikit org ampit, at least her pahala will be berpanjangan as she is helping other mothers feed their children with the best milk in the world.. haha

Oh now that my EDD is moved up I feel like I want to eat half of Brunei away! I mostly want to eat desserts but there are some main courses that I want.. I'd rather not list it down here lah ah.. hahaha

To my SIL, IRMA, Can you please drop by di rumah on Sunday to masakkan me your Ayam Kicap.. Thanksss!!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

EDD: 29 May 2011

So the Dr confirmed with me this morning that my EDD is now 29th May 2011, 10 days ahead of the initial 9th June 2011.. My reaction when heard it was pure annoyance and panic!! Annoyed because all my careful planning is down the drain and panic because this means I have to speed everything up!! *sigh*

Because hubs was busy at work I told him I would just drive to my appointment today and in my panic after hearing the new EDD, I decided to go to work for a bit.. Boy was he surprised when he finally returned my call and I told him I was at at the office.. Haha when I got home I also got a scolding from my mum cause I forgot to tell them I went to work.. They thought I was hospitalized! or something! LOL in my defense I thought it was going to be a short trip to the office sekaliiiiii.... I ended up staying till 5!!! huhu

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Resting with a 2yr old: possible?

Today is my 2nd day of 'rest' at home and to be honest I don't know how other people do it..!

This is what happens when I decided to lie down for 15 mins this morning... *sigh*

I was trying to do some work ad realized that I feel pretty lost without my PC.. So I might drop by to the office tomorrow afternoon while hubs is at physio cos deadlines unfortunately do not wait for sick mummies.. Huhu

Here is a photo of Dia taken today.. Hahaha hilarious!!

Half an hour later.. Rupanya mengusut kan tidurrrrr LOL

Ok now that she is asleep I will join her accordingly *tee hee*