Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sofiyya is one today

Dear Sofiyya,

Happy first birthday my darling daughter.. You are a full ONE today! 

To be honest i have been waiting for this day to arrive and when it is finally here my heart breaks a little knowing that in a matter of time you will be all grown up, picks out your own clothes, talk on the phone for hours with your friends and will probably start to hate me a bit cause i am your mum and tells you no when you want to go out on a school night.. Please my sayang, please don't grow up too soon and enjoy being your age.. Enjoy and live life to the fullest but with caution of course. You may think that i am old, don't know how you feel and don't know how to have fun but you are wrong. I was a young lady once and i know what you are going through so please listen to my advises.. 

I have enjoyed watching you grow from this tiny baby to a beautiful toddler for the past 12 months and with you it felt so quick! I guess its true when they say time flies when you are having fun..

So at one year old, you have one tiny tooth at the front top jaw, learning to be comfortable with standing up on your own and without support. Yes compared to your Kaka you are a bit behind in terms of your development but sayang, i don't care. You do things your way and at your own pace ok.. 

At one year we have also achieved one of my mid-term goals: to be fully breastfed! Well done my sayang.. Keep up and soon enough it'll be your 2nd birthday and we will be celebrating not only you turning two but also the ultimate goal, insyallah..

I will not write any further.. Enjoy your day today and consequently the weekend as well as we will have a small gathering to celebrate you turning one, nenek boy turning 65 and Abg Mijan turning 12.. 

Happy birthday my sayang.. remember always that Mummy, Daddy and Kaka Dia loves you so very very much.. Keep on smiling cause that smile of yours brigthens the darkest of days.. 

Lots of Love,

Monday, May 28, 2012

Fantastic weekend

Happy Monday everyone.. NOT! I am suffering from Monday blues.. Had a great weekend tho! LOL

On Friday I, again went toKB but this time i went for a visit and inspection at one of our Vendors. The most exciting part of my visit was going onboard one of the small pilot boats, Jamalul Hamidah..

This ship is significantly smaller compared to our ships but it plays an important role as it delivers many items including food to our vessel..
Expressed at Pantai KB and that was my view! LOL
My appetizer while waiting for my lunch date..
Had a hair cut and yes that's my lunch date. I felt ugly, fumpy and like a boy next to her! hmph!

Friday night we had dinner with the Husband's colleague.. It was held as a farewell to one of their colleague who is retiring..
My sayanggg..hehehe
Saturday outing and this is my Sofiyya... 
Nadia's work of Art on the husband's dashboard.. Only she can get away with this! If it was me... huhu
Nadia and Sofiyya playing last night..

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Again another day of irregular expressing.. I expressed at 10am in the car during the morning break and then the next session was at 5.30pm at home!! I managed to get 16oz..

What i was in Seria for

Expressing in the car uder a nursing cover

Lunch at excapade

Afternoon session at BSP HQ

Glad to be back at the office today where i can sit in our pantry comfortably and express at my normal time..

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Crazy busy weekend

I had a significantly busy weekend last week.. Started off with netball tournament on Friday.. My one and only team Stargazers decided to join a tournament after 3 years of absence.. 3 years for some and a whooping 8 years for yours truly! Hoho alhamdulillah we won all matches that day and going through to the quarter finals!

We also joined the HSBC walk run cycle event saturday evening..

Unloading the bus!

Geotrax cyclist

The hubs and I after the event

And early sunday morning my team and i headed to MPH again for the quarter finals.. Alhamdulillah we managed to win 3rd place.. Which is not bad for a team that hasn't played in a while and hasn't been training together that much..

The team during prize presentation, with Emi and yours truly missing..

In the papers todayy!! Hehe

With all the hectic schedule and delayed pumping i realized that my production hasn't been that great.. I was on Medical leave today as i have fallen ill (body too worn out to be this busy ad not enough stamina huhu). i slept all morning and did not express to make up for the amount of EBMs sofiyya has taken in.. Bad nani BAD! Huhu prays that production will continue and return to normal.. I have a year+ to go in order to me to reach the 2 year goal.. Jangan malas okay!

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Good night my sayangs..

Still up and watching the three people that means the world to me sleep.. It just so happens that they are all facing me! I can't help but feel so.. Blessed.. I am so very blessed to have all three of them in my life.. Thank you Allah for giving me them and i pray for long prosperous and healthy life so i can grow old with my husband and watch my girls grow from pretty little princesses to a young lady, a bride and then a mother..

If i dont say this enough, i love you all so very much my sayangs. Even when i seem annoyed and angry at you.. I love you all to bits!

Good night my sayangs and if i dont say this enough, syukur alhamdulillah and thank you Allah, thank you for granting me this wonderful life..

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Ugh! I hate you madam flo cos u make my production go low! (and apparently makes me rhyme too! Huhu) Day one and made 15oz so far compared to other days when i normally make 17-18oz.. Huhu

We have been quite busy attending tahlils ad all but decided tonight we will sit it out as the girls don't feel so well, especially Nadia. We came home and both parents, maid and my grandmother asked us to take her to see the Dr as she seemed to be wheezing. We went to the clinic and alhamdulillah her wheezing level is quite low so we went away with just meds. I guess the most worrying part for us is that she vomits! She vomitted bubbly fluid and its yellowish in color which indicates that she has nothing in her tiny belly. Alhamdulillah tonight she managed to eat some food and in better spirits.

I was reminded on how she was back in January when she was hospitalized due to a tummy bug. Prays that its not a tummy bug..

Sofiyya on the otherhand has the sniffles! Nya org demam pemandai.. Dont know what pemandai but lately she has been standing on her own and letting go of her hand for a minute or so.. Hehe Can't believe Sofiyya is turning ONE soon! Time flies so fast!

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Ugh! I hate you madam flo cos u make my production go low! (and apparently makes me rhyme too! Huhu) Day one and made 15oz so far compared to other days when i normally make 17-18oz.. Huhu

We have been quite busy attending tahlils ad all but decided tonight we will sit it out as the girls don't feel so well, especially Nadia. We came home and both parents, maid and my grandmother asked us to take her to see the Dr as she seemed to be wheezing. We went to the clinic and alhamdulillah her wheezing level is quite low so we went away with just meds. I guess the most worrying part for us is that she vomits! She vomitted bubbly fluid and its yellowish in color which indicates that she has nothing in her tiny belly. Alhamdulillah tonight she managed to eat some food and in better spirits.

I was reminded on how she was back in January when she was hospitalized due to a tummy bug. Prays that its not a tummy bug..

Sofiyya on the otherhand has the sniffles! Nya org demam pemandai.. Dont know what pemandai but lately she has been standing on her own and letting go of her hand for a minute or so.. Hehe Can't believe Sofiyya is turning ONE soon! Time flies so fast!

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's day 13May2012

Let me first start off my saying Happy Mother's day to all Mom's out there especially my Mom and MIL. Hubs recieved a text yesterday afternoon from my FIL and MIL sends her regards to me and wishes me Happy Mother's day.. sweet kan!

I receieved a mother's day gift from Nadia Sofiyya and Husband on Friday night and its an AIR FRYER!!! one that i have wanted for quite sometime now.. hehehe Thanks hubs!!!

So what did i do on Mother's day? Woke up and cooked up some nuggets and samosa on my super awesome air fryer, went to Mothercare and shopped for the girl's clothes and then in the evening, tried grilling a piece of lamb in the air fryer and it WORKS! and then cooked dinner for the family.. Didnt seem like i did anything special but it was a fantastic day nonetheless.

Thanks to my husband and the girls again for making yesterday a wonderful day.. Love you all to bits!! xoxo
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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Attending Tahlil

3rd night at Uncle Emih's

3rd night at Nenek Eyeh

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Friday, May 11, 2012


On 10th May 2012, our family have suffered a massive loss where 2 elders have passed away on the same day. I am still shocked and prays that the immediate family is coping well in this difficult times..

Al-fatihah to Angah Bagol bin Idris and Nenek Haji Hassan Abu Bakar.. Semoga roh mereka di tempatkan di samping orang-orang yang beriman dan dicucuri rahmat.. amin..

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Half an hour at Mummy's office on a Saturday

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Monday, May 7, 2012

This silly girl..

..left her second set of breastpump at home which means this silly girl has to express one side and then the other.. Coming from someone who has been using a dual pump eversince her breastfeeding journey has begun, she thinks this is a waste of time, especially when she is attending a course.. So had to do 10mins per side at level 9 suction huhuhu

Silly SILLY girl!

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Friday, May 4, 2012

First filling

We took Nadia to get her very first filling done. And stukur alhamdulillah my darling girl did not cry a peep and complied very well.. It was truly a proud mama moment for me..

I had to sit in with her of course

Getting her teeth cleaned before being filled in

Showing her filled tooth

And of course she gets rewarded for being good. Tooth brush, stickers and this time color pencils!

First tooth

Nadia called me while i was having lunch yesterday to tell me that Sofiyya's tooth is finally here.. Her exact words were 'Mummy, Sofiyya ada Gigi sudah. Tajam.' LOL

And as i was talking to my mum i saw THIS!!

This little girl climbed all the way up to the first landing and halfway to the second landing of our stairs, all by herself!! I was shocked and my mum laughed at me.. Hahaha

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 11

It has been a very long 11 days with the Hubs being away.. Last night Nadia asked me 'Kenapa daddy keraja keraja saja kan?'

He has slept at the house a couple of occasions and i sleep like a baby those times.. Last night he was away and unfortunately both girls vomitted while they slept. Nadia started coughing around 10.30 and as i was about to give her the puke bucket she puked all over her hair and bed. The poor baby slept like a baby as i cleaned her up and changed her shirt. She woke up this morning and asked 'kenapa baju nadia lain' LOL Sofiyya started coughing around 4am and puked some liquid out and then go back to sleep.. 

I am looking forward to the end of this effing exercise!

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