Syukur alhamdulillah we are approaching the middle of ramadhan. Alhamdulillah a full puasa for me so far, despite my little drama on the 2nd day..
I went to work fine that day but towards lunch time i started to get chills. At 1 i decided to go home and as i was driving i prayed to god for a safe journey home cause my lower abdominal pain intensified. As i got home i rested with the intention of going to the hospital after iftar. But around 3.30 the pain intensified to the point where my hands began to cramp up. Husband immediately drove me to the a&e where i had a urine and blood test and the dr administered an IV line. Eventually the cramps went away and blood results indicates i had UTI, dehydrated, low calcium and low glucose. Dr strongly advised that i take a big meal for sahoor and ensure that i drink more to avld dehydration. Alhamdulillah my puasa has been smooth thereafter..
Other than that little drama i have been busy staying up and studying for my upcoming exams. As i find it quite hard to concentrate during the day (lack of food and distraction frm the girls) have resorted to studying well into the night.. I stayed on through till sahoor and only go to bed around 4.30am.. My first paper will be on tuesday and then on wednesday.. I look forward to concluding these 2 papers so i can start on preparing for raya and normalising my sleeping pattern lol
We so far have had 2 sungkai outings. First was at excapade and the second was the annual sungkai fest with my frens!
At excapade
Where we had awesome lobster
With the gang at the annual sungkai fest
Our little family
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