Thursday, January 24, 2013

Salam maulidur rasul

Its been a while since i posted. Been extremely busy.. Alhamdulillah another maulidur rasul and our day today was spent attending 2 birthday celebrations at 2 different locations and 2 different group of friends..

Loved the girls' outfit!! So very tinkerbell inspired which happens to be Nadia's fav cartoon atm..

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Officially taking it slow

Its my first week back at work and no it has not been SLOW at work! Nothing but slow and i feel like i am being pushed and pull from all direction at the same time!

What i have been slowing down is my expressing.. After direct feeding for the past 3 weeks or so and after much evaluation i decided to express once only while i am at work. Reasons? Because Sofiyya is now 1yr 7mths close to 8mths which means i have about 4 months left to my goal! Another reason also is that stock wise i have a large amount and would like to avoid disposing them.. I now express at 1 or 2pm instead of 10 and 3. I thought it would hurt but so far no physical pain faced..

The first day i was back i made 9oz and now that its my fourth day i brought 11oz.. Yeay! Need to check with my maid how much Sofiyya takes in..

On the school's front Alhamdulillah Nadia has been fantastic!! Not a single tear and she is enjoying the experience very very much! Waking up and getting her ready is still the hardest part, as expected and based on exchange of stories with other moms going through the same thing, this is normal! LOL

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Week 2 2013

Salam and olaaa..!! How's everyone?

We came back from our much needed vacation in Lion City. After spending 6 days over there just the 4 of us, a very memorable visit to Universal Studio, SEA Aquarium and the Singapore Zoo, a lot of good food and finally very good shopping, i feel refreshed!! Refreshed to face the challenges of 2013!! Will post photos as soon as i transfer them from my camera..

First task for us was Nadia's first day of school! I am sure other parents were quite nervous too and it was funny how both hubs and I found it hard to fall asleep the night before.. The challenge of course was waking her up and getting her ready for school. After that was done she was all pumped up and all excited to go!

When we got to class we introduced her to a girl called Viviane and they went on well, holding hands and running around the classroom. Their first activity was making a rabbit face. We stayed outside the class most of the time but there were occasions that she asked me to sit in. Alhamdulillah no tears like a few of the other kids and we told her tomorrow Mummy is not allowed to be in the classroom.. I just hope the other mummies stay outside the class too.. Huhu

Headed to school

With Mummy and her new friend Viviane

Making her bunny face

Lining up to leave the class

Putting on her own shoes

Ready to go home!

Today starts Nadia's journey in proper education and we pray that she will excel academically, creatively, physically as well as socially. Mudahan her journey will be a fruitful, joyful and colorful one. Amin amin ya rabbal alamin..

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Salam 2013

Alhamdulillah another new year.. 2012 was a great year and i pray that 2013 will be bigger and better in every single way..

Alhamdulillah we have spent the last few days of 2012 well... Last night we took my parents and grandparents to dinner, has breakfast with my cousins and a dear dear fried who is also now my aunt, went to the ILs and spent NYE at a friends' place with a bunch of my great friends. Although we didnt stay for the countdown cause the girls werr so sleepy (waaayy past their normal bedtime) we spent it well and felt the love all around.

Alhamdulillah we managed to spend quality time with our family and friends. I indeed feel truly blessed.. Alhamdulillah..

Happy new year readers..!

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