Wednesday, June 26, 2013

January.. the EBM that Sofiyya is currently consuming. I felt extremely sad a couple of days ago when i found out that i no longer have EBMs in our bug freezer. It means that the EBM stock i currently have is in my fridge a some that i still keep in my office freezer. I know its ridiculous that i am sad about something so petty but i am.. I intend to start weaning Sofiyya off in a month or two time, once my stock begins to deplate even more rapidly and introduce her to Formula Milk. I have been telling her since she was two that only babies drink milk from their mummies and big girls drink from their bottle and her reply for me would be 'opie baby'.. LOL

July is just around the corner and can't believe how time flies so fast. With july around the corner it also means that my secondment will end soon. I am happy that i do not have to put on two hats on diff weekdays and struggle sometimes to remember where i am supposed to be and what meetings i had to attend. But at the same time i know i will miss my colleagues terribly! *sigh*

Here is to a better 2nd half of 2013!!!

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Monday, June 10, 2013

One more month to Ramadhan

Alhamdulillah ramadhan is just around the corner.. I look forward to this month every year cos it really brings a lot my friends and family together, even more so than hari raya i think, especially during iftar. As much as i enjoy dining out i think we are going to take it slow this year and make sure we break our fasts moderately.

Speaking of gatherings, we just spent the whole weekend over at my cousin's place in Lumut for her wedding. We didn't sleep over of course but we were there everyday. I am so tired and i think i am still recovering from the festivities! LOL

Nikah day: 6June2013

Friday Lunch, 7June2013

Bingo night, 7June2013

Berbedak night, 8June2013

Bersanding day, 9June2013

And we also welcomed a new niece on thursday 6June2013 which makes total number of grandchildren for my parents to 9!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Annual Army Day cook out at the Lees 2013

Celebrating her 2nd birthday

Because we have been quite busy lately we haven't had the time to organise a party for Sofiyya's 2nd birthday. So we organised a dinner for our immediate family at a restaurant in Jerudong instead. Here are some of the photos taken.. And because Sofiyya likes zebra it was a zebra themed 'party'. Alhamdulillah all went well and i hope sofiyya will remember her 2nd birthday as a small and intimate celebration..

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday

Dear Sofiyya,

Happy 2nd birthday my darling daughter.

I have waited for this day to come for quite sometime. And to be frankly honest the main reason was to give myself a big pat on the back and congratulate myself for achieving my ultimate goal of breastfeeding you for 2 whole years! The day has finally arrived and it would not ever become possible without your help! Thank you so much baby girl for making my dream come true..

If i had my way i will keep you as cute and cuddly as you are now but i do enjoy watching you grow up to be who you are now today. You are still the same cheerful and joyful baby that you are however you are also now a talkative one too! You never stop to amaze us with how clever your replies are and how you can now arrange your words properly to make a full sentence.

Happy 2nd birthday baby girl. You and your sister are always in my prayers and i pray that Allah will continue to bless you both with good health and good sense. Mummy daddy and kaka dia loves you so very much!


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