..is the EBM that Sofiyya is currently consuming. I felt extremely sad a couple of days ago when i found out that i no longer have EBMs in our bug freezer. It means that the EBM stock i currently have is in my fridge a some that i still keep in my office freezer. I know its ridiculous that i am sad about something so petty but i am.. I intend to start weaning Sofiyya off in a month or two time, once my stock begins to deplate even more rapidly and introduce her to Formula Milk. I have been telling her since she was two that only babies drink milk from their mummies and big girls drink from their bottle and her reply for me would be 'opie baby'.. LOL
July is just around the corner and can't believe how time flies so fast. With july around the corner it also means that my secondment will end soon. I am happy that i do not have to put on two hats on diff weekdays and struggle sometimes to remember where i am supposed to be and what meetings i had to attend. But at the same time i know i will miss my colleagues terribly! *sigh*
Here is to a better 2nd half of 2013!!!
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