I woke up on Wednesday morning with a lump behind my right ear. The lump was pretty firm so i decided to see the Dr in the afternoon. Dr says that it is a swollen lymph node so they sent me away with a dose of antibiotics. Other than the lump I have been feeling under the weather lately so I was given 2 days off. So i went home, slept and pop in the antibiotics. in the middle of the night I saw 3 spots on my arm and we brushed it off as insect bites as we went to my nini's that evening, kn minta urut.
Friday morning, woke up with more spots on my body! As hubs went off to work already so i headed to A&E Tutong. There the Dr thinks that it is an allergic reaction to the antibiotics given to me and ruled out chicken pox. Was told to stop antibiotics and rest. Went to e13 to get a second opinion and she seems to think that it was an allergic reaction too.. So went home and rested.
Saturday morning, headed to see e13 and there they confirmed that it is CHICKEN POX!!!!!!!! I had it when i was younger but I guess when i had it dulu it was sikit hence it is now back, full blown! huhu I am now on anticlovir, calamine lotion and 7 days MC!!!
Not that I don't want the rest and don't need the rest its just came at a bad time. With us moving to the new office and my being the person responsible to oversee the whole thing, it has put my colleagues in a tough position to have to cover for me. Argh!! If you guys are reading this, I cannot apologise enough.. I am so very sorry for not being there.. huhu
But i guess other than the itchiness, the worst part of this all is that I have to keep my distance from the little missy.. As i am typing this in my room, she is playing with the maid and her nini girl downstairs.. We are also avoiding direct feeding her and last night was a huge ordeal. Dia kept on crying for me but we explained to her that she cannot feed from mummy cause mummy sakit. She looked like she understood but i guess masih mau jua.. I had to hide while hubs put her down to sleep.. huhu She woke up with a smile this morning so I guess she had a good night despite her cries during the midnight feedings.. huhuhu hubs on the other hand woke up feeling unsatisfied cause of his interrupted sleep.. I am so sorry sayang and I cant thank you enough for doing what you do..
Dear god, please let me get better soon so I can hold my daughter in my arms and comfort her again.. please please please...