Sunday, June 24, 2012

Many many new babies

Soo many new babies to visit, welcome and kiss..! Congratulations everyone!!

I've been asked what can help increase BM production by my new mummy buddies.. Yes Fenugreek and other supplements help but the most effective way of increasing BM production and supply is by frequent and Constant stimulation of the glands. This can be done by offering your Bs to the baby often and the otherway is by expressing or pumping..

Whoever said breastfeeding is easy and comes naturally is a liar! It doesnt come naturally! U have to stmlimulate the production in order to get the output we desire. And no in my opinion is not easy, especially at the beginning cause it challenges our mindset. We see only a drop or two BM when we express and how are we supposed to feel assured that that is enough for our babies? Well i tell u how! Babies at a day or two does not immediately need 2oz of milk at a time cos their tummies are TINY! And when we express, yes at that time we only got 0.5oz but remember that your glands are now stimulated.. Keep stimulating and in a couple of days, insyallah you will see the difference..

Another question mothers always say is that babies gets so frustrated cause we are not producing anything.. Sabar and comfort the baby. There may be other reasons why they are crying.. Dont get me wrong. I had the same experience with Nadia, she cried and we panicked and resorted to giving formula but i made a promise to myself that i will try my best to give her BM. Cracked, bloody nipples, lots of time spent with the breastpump, and many many tears..
alhamdulillah, 19months d exclusive breast milk!

So mothers preserver, keep positive and insyallah..

Oh also when i feel down i always talk to my support group, other bfing mummies..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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