Monday, September 3, 2012

Malay and English

We went to visit a couple more houses over the weekend and we happened to meet my expatriate colleagues. This is the first time they have ever seen me with my girls ie as a mother and one of them asked me a question. He asked whether i communicate to my girls in both english and malay, in which i do and he then asked me since we use both languages inter-changeably, do i think that maybe the girls does not know that its two different languages.. Took me a while to respond to him and i think the girls at this point do think that its just one language. I must make it a point from hereon to tell them, well nadia that in malay its called such and such and in english its called such and such..
Nadia is picking up on her English. I heard her used the word please when asking her daddy something. And a couple of other words, even tried forming a sentence in english.. Emphasize on the word TRIED.. LOL
We also try to teach the girls to apologize after they've done something wrong. My maid told me a few weeks ago how Nadia refused to do something and then threw a tantrum. My maid left her alone to cry and after a couple of minutes she quite down, came up to my maid and said 'Nadia minta maaf'.. Alhamdulillah. I hope in time she will learn that apologizing is very important and to do it sincerely.. I also hope she learns that things must not always go her way and happens as and when she demands it.. Sofiyya needs to learn that quickly too cause she is a true drama queen when things dont go her way.. Hahaha

This is Sofiyya refusing to sit in her car seat! Look at her tears.. A few minutes after i took this ad distracted her attention she went back to happy and cheerful self.. So yaaahh, drama queen! LOL
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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