The girls enroute to kg btg mitus to visit hubs' cousin for aidik adha
Nadia asked me to take a photo of their shoes
With yours truly
Breakfast on Saturday before we headed to Limbang
Sofiyya enjoying a sip of water and enjoying the view
Watching the cat downstairs
With second cousin boboi
Me, enjoying the view (cars pass by) Hehehe
Alhamdulillah, Hubs' grandmother's health has improved significantly since our last visit
The only decent photo of them three and their Yantut i could get
Before heading home we stopped by at my ILs for a quick visit. Its been too long and the kids have missed their grandparents and vice versa.
We got home around 9.30 and this is a photo of Sofiyya crying mengusut.. The whole day's activities must have gotten to her..
Attending tahlil in lumut on Sunday.