Sunday, October 14, 2012


When i get an output like this i feel like a superstar cause i see 2 full bottles! I know its just the normal 5oz bottles and other mums uses 8oz bottles and they can get full bottles but this is an achievement to me nonetheless..

This is my current stock at the office which i have yet moved back home cause i keep on forgetting my cooler! Haha

It has been 3yrs plus since my bg journey started and i have to say that i could never have done it without my support group then and i dont mean one of those group on facebook, and also the amount of time invested in learning about breastfeeding.. My bf buddies would share their experiences and things that they have read about and they would not gloat about it. The reason why i write this is because sometimes i find that those group is an avenue for people to gloat and sell their products. How very different to when it first started where there was genuine sharing of information and learnings done.

I know that sometimes its good to just listen to your friends vent out their frustrations, even i you dont agree. Sometimes all a person want is or someone to listen and not to try and solve their problems for them. I recognise that i sometimes can be a bad listener so i apologise friends if i have not been a good listener.. This is something that i am working on.. LOL

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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