Wednesday, January 25, 2012

34 months

Dear Nadia,

Happy 34 months baby girl! 2 months short of your 3rd birthday and you have been talking about your party a lot (or i bring the topic up each time you start to be fussy and as a form of distraction LOL). We'll see about it and insyallah if ada rezeki we will have one with bouncers and all ok?

Sorry for not writing to you earlier, its just that work has been a bit busy and we've been quite busy with a lot of things. I think once you reach 3 i will discontinue my monthly letter to you and write as and when i feel like it lah ah? hehehe

We've started living at your Yadu's and Yaki's and I have to say I am very proud with how you handled things. You have not thrown any tantrums or showed signs of being home sick but instead you have embraced it fully! You have went to one of the ladang to pick some kembayau and you fell asleep there! I wished that I was there so I can take a photo!!! You went to visit one of your grannies and your Yadu said you behaved very well and you now also have a good appetite although you seem to request for Maggi ayam alot these days. Not the best choice of food but I am happy either way.

ok not much for me to say and i better get back to doing some work so happy 34 months love! and be good now..


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