Saturday, January 21, 2012

What a day it has been..

Its the weekend and we are staying at my parents.. We started off the day without the Hubs as he has to go to work.. Dia asked where her daddy was and after i told her her daddy is at work she asked me if i have to go to work too.. I guess she thinks when one has to go to work the other one has to too..

I then realised that we forgot to take my cooler box of EBMs out of my car!! Hubs had to send them back here and thank god it was all still cold and some were semi thawed. Decided to place them in my freezer..

The day went about ok, did 2 of my cousin's hantarans.. As we were getting ready to go out and i was about to give Sofiyya her bath i slipped in our toilet and fell down on my bum! Thank god Sofiyya was ok and she didn't hit anything!!

We headed out to Cheezebox to see the gang.. It was so nice to see or friends who are back from the states after being away for one and half years..

On our way home my car decides to act up, AGAIN!!! This is the third time in the last 3 months and given that its CNY weekend no workshops will be open.. And its not like its convenient for Hubs and I to share a car as he has to work odd hours.. I don't know how we are going to manage this..

Sungguh banyak dugaan mu kepada ku Ya Allah.. However i am reminded that Allah tidak akan menduga seseorang lebih dari kemampuan nya.. With that i pray that Allah grant us patience and strength to face these challenges.. Mudahan semua urusan akan di permudahkan dan dugaan akan di tempuh dengan sabarnya.. Amin amin amin..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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