Wednesday, January 11, 2012

maid drama, playdate at TCs and living at the ILs

So its day 3 of living at the ILs.. My normal commute to work of 20 minutes is now 40-45 minutes.. But I cant complain cause the ILs is taking very good care of our 2 girls. to be honest i was quite worried, not because they will not be able to handle them 2 rowdy girls but rather how will they be able to adapt to the 'new' environment. Alhamdulillah around mid-day yesterday SIL sent me these photos!

My Sofiyya smiling

Nadia and Alya napping together

Syukur alhamdulillah and i continue to pray that the girls will continue to cooperate.. amin!

Oh lemme document about my maid drama! We got back from the ILs on Sunday 18Dec2011 and as i was leaving for work on 19Dec2011 my maid tells me that she was asked to return back to Indonesia because he husband has to undergo surgery. My first reaction was 'banar kah ni' because there has been history of maids lying in order to go home. But after a while we were convinced she was telling the truth so she left in the evening of 27th Dec 2011 and will be coming back on 11 Feb 2012. We gave her 7 weeks out of the 2 months she has requested and also based on my research on google it will take 4-6 weeks for the person to recover. Atu pun she was still pushing for 2 months and i lost it with her! Since she has been back alhamdulillah her husband has shown good progress for recovery and she is currently sorting out her paperwork for returning back to Brunei to continue employment with us.. I pray that all will go smoothly amin!

The Bains, Jais and Zams had a get together at TC's place on 27th Dec 2011. it was good catching up with everyone and I am now looking at the calendar and thinking of when us girls will be able to go out again.. Sometime in Feb ok girls (once my life is back to normal)? hehe

The Zams, The Bains and The Jais

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