We had a bit of a scare on Sunday night cause Dia woke up in the middle of the night crying her little heart out and soon after vomited all her food out. These days it’s pretty difficult to get any food in her so can you imagine the frustrations when she vomits it all out.. And this is probably the third time the vomit in the middle of the night thing happened. So late that night I decided to take Dia to the Clinic in the morning. Alhamdulillah Dr TK Chan told us, its nothing to be worried about, the vomiting is just a way for her to remove all the phlegm in her throat. We are lucky that only Mrs Sniffles and Mr Cough came to visit and not Madam Fever cos then that will be another story. So off we went with some meds..
Picking out which book to read with Mummy
We think the weather is a contributing factor as to why Dia has not been feeling well. Oh speaking of the weather, we finally set up a mini playground in my mum’s living room for Dia and the others.. Oh the joy of seeing their faces while they play. I really wish we have my own place so we can assign one proper play room for Dia to play in and basically make a mess in!
Dia playing with Kaka Momoi and Kaka Caca
The Dr also note that Dia is pretty small for her age and have recommended that we give her Pediasure FM.. Given that this FM can be given simultaneously with the Enfagrow that Dia is taking now so we decided to give Pediasure for her midnight feedings only, for now.
Oh late Sunday night as I was lulling away to sleep and thinking of taking Dia to the clinic the next day I felt a small nudge in my lower left tummy. I brushed it off as gas or something, then it happened again, at the same spot.. So went on google and it says that I should be able to feel the baby kick around 16-22 weeks.. Could that be a kick? I placed my hand there again and THERE IT IS!!! JOY!!!!!! Its kind funny that I am all excited about it as if I never experienced it before.. To be honest I can’t remember the first time I felt Dia kick..! LOL
Oh speaking of Little Bubba, I am slowly creating my wishlist of things to buy which basically comprise of things I did not get when I first had Dia cause we brushed it off as not a necessity or that it was too late to buy it for Dia.. hehehe
Oh I finally took out my maternity clothes over the weekend and after general cleaning (given that it has been in a container box for the past 21 months) I finally tried some on last night. Having Dia around while I was doing this is quite a challenge! She kept on asking ‘ani apa?’ ‘untuk apa?’.. Here is an excerpt on how the conversation goes according to the hubs..
Nadia: ani apa kn ni?
Nani: kain...
Nadia: kain apa?
Nani: kain mami...
Nadia : ani apa kn ni..?
Nani: .........
Nadia: ani apa kn ni...
(and this cycle of conversation went on for like 10 times!!!) LOL
Maternity Clothes in the container