Thursday, January 6, 2011

sleep deprived

I am severely sleep deprived at the moment.. As one of the side effects of our 2 weeks leave where we stayed up late and slept in during the day, I have been having trouble sleeping at night. And in addition to that Dia has also been having trouble sleeping where she would wake up around 3-4am and being restless so we have to coax her back to sleep. Last night was the worst so far..! It took Hubs and I 1 hr+ to coax her back to bed.. huhu

Last night we got news that one of Anjai's uncle was not feeling well so we decided to make the trip to Bebuloh for a visit. When we got there we saw quite a few of our relatives already visiting.. Spent about 2 hours and when we finally got home last night, I realised that I saw something quite amazing. Where Yuwa is the eldest in the family, we saw not only all his children, children in laws, grandkids, but also his and his wife's siblings coming to visit him. They drop by everyday and like my PIL, they actually came to visit in the afternoon sudah and they came lagi malam. We also learnt that the yuwa's siblings and in laws actually took turns looking after him and some even sleeping over at their place.. I guess for some people this would appear normal but looking at my own family I am not sure if they would make the same efforts. I guess the close-ness in that family has really brought them together and this my friends is the most amazing part for me.. It just comes to show that you never turn your back on family cause during times in need, they will always be there for us..

Ok I better get back to my work cause it seem to be increasing by the hour despite my trying to clear most of them out sudah.. huhu Have a great day everyone..

*Treat others like how you want to be treated*

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