Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stressing on positivity

I have to stress, really really stress that being positive and yakin that you have enough BM to feed your child is very very VERY important. I remember when i was pregnant with Nadia in 2008 and reading up one of the very first articles on BFing that our brain and glands in our Bs that produces BM is closely related.. This is where being positive and yakin plays an important role.

Saying that of course, you mist also play your role in ensuring that your Bs keep on producing and your glands stimulated. You have to often offer your Bs to your baby and pump! Research have shown that your Bs will produce the same amount as what your needs (ie the concept of supply and demand) as such the more your baby takes in the more your Bs will produce. So how does the role of a pump help in this? It will stimulate your glands. For example your baby normally takes in 24oz per day but when you pump and you get 2oz extra today, it means that your glands receives the signal that baby takes in 26oz.. Its lile tricking your glands into thinking that your baby needs more. But of course you will need to be constant with this stimulation and insyallah, your production will increase, insyallah..

Last and not least i believe that hormones play a role! Forgot what is the exact name of the hormone but our body is in abundance of it right after we give birth and gradually as the months pass by our body balances and this hormone reduces. This is why productivity decreases over time..

Have you ever heard about ladies who is not pregnant but is able to lactate just because they think they are pregnant? Or mothers who adopt and is able to BF thier children? Proof that we can trick our bodies to produce BM!

Is been 10months+ since my second BFing journey and i am also experiencing slightly low productivity. Prob because i am having my first period after so long.. Pumped for about 15mins earlier today and got 2oz. Sofie drank it even before i left my house to go out! Haha which means another 4oz is taken out of my stock.. But its ok.. Insyallah i will be able to make it up.. Amin..

(so why am i writing all of this? Could it be possible that i am pep-talking myself?!? LOL)

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