Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5-8July 2012

 Our weekend started with attending Tahlil at my grandma's place in Lumut on Thursday night. It was nice to see autines, uncles and cousins who we haven't seen in a while. I guess we were all so busy catching up that we forgot to take photos together.. huhu

On Friday the Hubs and I headed across the border to aMIRIka to run a few errands.

Quick stop at Starbucks of course!

 And then we stopped at Marilyn Cafe in KB town

We bought Nadia new cutleries and she said 'Nyaman mummy makan pakai piring baru yang princess ani' LOL

That evening we saw my grandmother held Sofiyya! The last time she did was when Sofiyya was a week's old and she hasnt been able to since cause her hands hasnt been too strong and i guess that night she was feeling better and feeling more confident. Syukur alhamdulillah. It almost brought tears to my eyes and I feel so blessed to have my grandmother still. 

On Saturday we headed to Limbang to visit the Husband's grandmother.. 

Sofiyya showing her 2 teeth!

After much hesitation the husband let Sofiyya hold Kaka's lollipop.. Punya happyyy...

..and when i take it away, punya sedihh...

MIL and FIL was also there

my happy baby

We feel very blessed to still have both grandmothers and for our children to have a great grandmother. We pray that both grandmothers will be blessed with a long and helathy life. Mudahan kedua-dua nya sihat wal-afiat. amin amin..

On sunday i took Nadia for a quick trim in town..

And then a quick photoshoot for her very first passport sized photo


Whatever Kaka holds, Sofiyya wants.. We let her eat some pringleS!

Look at that FACE! LOL

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