Friday, April 3, 2009

Developing patterns

Please accept my apologies peeps for the lack of updates.. and lack of photo updates too *looks over to TC* As per my title above, I have been busy recuperating and most of all, trying to adjust to Dia's sleeping patterns.. 

Dia's sleeping patterns has been here and there.. Sometimes she stays awake in the afternoon or sleeps the whole day through which means she will keep us up till the wee hour of the dawn... So what we have been trying to do is keep her up from 8-11pm and then let her sleep throughout the night with of course the feeding every 2 hrs.. We have done this successfully twice so hopefully we can keep it up and with that develop a sleeping pattern that is workable for both parents and Dia.. (dapat kah di develop tu?)

Its been 2 weeks since Dia was born and Syukur Alhamdulilah my milk has arrived and am now starting to pump and store about 4ozs each day.. I feel much much much better and is able to move more freely than before.. all thanks to my mum who has a strict regime of things i need to do and eat.. Did i mention that i am now an avid vegetable eater.. haha I never used to like eating veggies sekali ani, as i promised to my mum, i will eat whatever she serves me and true enough aku bedal ajee.. hahaha Oh and our maid finally arrived yesterday so my mum and me will now have an extra helping hand around the house.. hehehe

I better do my routine stuff before Dia wakes up.. hehe 

TC, will upload pics later k? hehehe

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