Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dad's Cataract Surgery 15Dec2011

Hubs, dad, mum & I have had a long long day.. Its the day of my Dad's surgery! This is suppose to be a minor surgery where he is only at the daycare ward but despite that we felt a bit nervous cause with every surgery there are always risks..

He was scheduled to undergo surgery at 10am..

Waiting at the ward

Being given one of many medicated eye drops

Left Eye! (he was unaware of my taking this pic hehe)

We had to wait a long time cause the Doctor who was supposed to perform the surgery had to perform an emergency surgery..

At about 2, my dad was finally being wheeled into the OT

Mum watching my dad being wheeled into the OT

He came out around 3ish..

At the ward and i managed to make him pose for this photo! Haha

Alhamdulillah he was in high spirits and all went well. He has another appointment tomorrow and another one next week.. We just need to make sure that he rest well, does not do any heavy lifting and does not drive!

Tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday will be another long day.. God give me strength and energy.. Amin..

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