Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I have officially lost track of the number of EBMs i have in stock! Dont know when is the oldest date, how many oz, don't know how many packets..!! LOST!!

These are my EBMs to be transferred into my mum's deep freezer..

Syukur alhamdulillah atas rezeki yang engkau berikan Ya Allah.. Syukur Alhamdulillah..

Sweet potatoes and Carrot puree does not seem to be a big hit with my Little Miss Happy. She hardly finishes her meals. I guess i should really start to find out if i can batch make rice porridge.. But i have a feeling my mother wouldn't agree with batch make rice porridge..

Oh i love how us women is able to multitask! Sofiyya really really wanted her milk and sleep while we were having dinner so i fed, puts sofie to sleep, ate dinner and had a conversation with the hubs all at one time! If that does not make me a supermom then i dont know what will!! LOL

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