Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Only time will tell

After about 2 years of having to do a relatively short and usually no traffic commute to work daily i have gotten so very used to it and enjoy the fact that i get to spend more time at home with the kids. With my training and now having to drive 45mins instead of 20, i find myself feeling very very tired at the end of the day. I guess maybe because i now start my day significantly earlier so i can avoid the morning traffic.. Week one was tough on me and now in week 2 i think i am starting to get the hang of it. And the beauty is that with my starting work early i also finish early. I find that i now have more time and energy to cook and play with the kids.. Syukur alhamdulillah a blessing in disguise..

With Sofiyya turning a year and a half soon i start to think about what i will do when i reach the 2 year mark. Will i wean her off and introduce FM or would i keep at it until she weans herself off? Will i introduce FM during the day and keep BFing her in the evening? To be honest i have no idea what i will do and for now i will leave that question when the time actually do come..

A friend once told me her father would tell her late mother 'atu kan kita fikirkan jua tu?' What i take from that is that the key to having a stress free life is not to think about things you cannot change or have any influence over. Kalau sudah inda dapat buat apa2 jgn tah susah2 memikirkan nya, pray for the best and insyallah Allah will path the best way for us..

I know one thing for certain tho. I will miss bfing Sofiyya once i do wean her off. I will miss holding her hand, smelling her hair and hugging her while she feeds on me.. So for now i shall enjoy each and every moment with her..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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