Assalamualaikum and hello peeps!!!!! Syukur Alhamdulilah, the deed is done! We are done with Pregnancy and have now embarked on parenthood.. Syukur Alhamdulilaah..
Ok so here's the low down on what happened..
I wrote on my last post that i experienced Braxton hicks on early Wednesday morning. The contractions continued on till early Thursday morning and continued to come randomly.. When I went for my weekly appointment Thursday morning, told the Dr what i have been experiencing n told her about the brownish discharge.. She did the Viginal Examination and i was 2cm along!!! And she said i will give birth that evening or early d next morning.. Can u imagine how i felt at that time? Happy, relieved, excited, nervous, scared... All at the same time.. and in my head i thought, 'Iatah ni.. This is It..'
As Anjai, my parents and aunt insisted that i give birth in RIPAS, we headed to BSB right away but with a quick detour for an early lunch at Excapade.. *tee hee* Anjai was worried that i might give birth while enjoying my slamon teriyaki but as i have been reading usually labour for 1st babies lasts for 10 hrs so was confident that baby will not come out there.. hehe
We reached RIPAS at 12noon, went to the labour room and got myself checked up again.. I was then 3cm along.. They admitted me to the 1st stage labour room where i was suppose to wait till i was 5cm along.. Now this took a long time! I mentioned that my contractions was random, well it kept on like that..
It wasn't until 10pm when i was moved to the labour room.. and one the reason was that the labour room was fully occupied.. Ramai org beranak yaw! Funny thing happened when i moved.. I broke down and cried! hahaha Entah mengapa kah i was crying and at one point i laughed at myself for crying (laughing and crying at the same time, how very typical of me! hahaha) It was tears of joy that i was finally gonna do the deed! They also wanted to wheel me into the labour room but i insisted on walking there! We had to make 2 stops along the way cos i felt my contractions.. hahaha
So i was in the labour room and the contractions really started coming around 11pm! I will not lie.. The pain was unbearable! It was SEVERE period cramps! I felt like passing out from the pain and maybe i did! haha So the Midwife gave me a shot of pain killer (entah apa kah namanya) which is suppose to reduce the pain and make me feel sleepy.. Banar eh! Pain is still there and i was sleeepyyy... Oh and since my water has not broken yet, they broke it.. And true to what people say, it is like peeing.. hehe
So how does it fell when Nadia was about to come out? Like i want to POO!!!! Like a huge POO! haha Told Anjai & Midwife that i wanted to poo skali she was like bah go ahead and in my head, 'serious kah ia ani?' then tot, eh baby ni kan keluar... So I went ahead and pushed! I think it took me 4 push, 2 being small push and the later 2 being HUGE ones! When Nadia came out, I felt a sense on relief.. Then when i heard her cry for the first time, I had a huge grin on my sleepy face!!! haha From there on i was in and out.. Even when they stitched me up haha..
So there's my account on what happened, although i might miss out some details cos i was in and out of sleep.. Anjai will be able to give you a more accurate account kali cos he was there from the very beginning.. I am very thankful for that cos honestly throughout the whole process, i only heard his voice.. Midwife's voices was just background noise to me.. His presence and encouragement was the thing that got me through! Thank you syg! *sob sob*
So here are the first few pictures taken of Nur Imaan Nadia taken by Anjai in the Labour Room..
Nur Imaan Nadia Muhammad Zainurin was born at 11.32pm on 19th March 2009. She was 3.170 kg and is 55cm in height..
Oh apologies for the lack of updates peeps.. hehe Been quite tied up with adjusting to being a mother and also recuperating.. Till then!