Monday, March 16, 2009


Yeap its another Monday and i am still waiting.. waiting to give birth! At one point a few weeks ago i was scared and wanted to give labor when i reach the full 40 weeks but now.. I want it out now.. not that I don't enjoy the pregnancy (and the shopping and eating whatever i wish *tee hee*) but I just can't wait to hold Baby in my arms.. And my back has been killing me and I am in no mood to work.. haha

So anyways, happy 39 weeks to baby.. As per the calendar below, Baby has been moving much much less and i try not to worry as they say this is normal due to limited space..

I wrote 2 posts ago re my cousin's wife Akina, well well well.. She decides to jump the queue and gave birth last night, at 36 weeks!!! *yipee* Congratulations Yawai & Ejah on the baby boy! Although i haven't met my nefew yet but his Abah says that he is 2.8kg!! I can't wait to meet him later.. hehehe To Ejah: kan kan, ko beranak dulu.. hahahaha

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