Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Being a first time mother, I didn't know how 'contractions' felt like.. Some describe it as the feeling of wanting to Poo and some described it as severe period cramps.. After going what i went through the whole day today, i have to say i have to agree with the latter.. It started at 4am when i woke up to pee.. We were prepared to go the RIPAS by 9am but we realized that the pain came at random intervals..  I decided to wait it out and by the afternoon I realized that its braxton hicks!!! SASPEN-det kamiiiii... hahaha

I have another appointment with the Drs tomorrow and according to my Aunt, since the Drs considered me being in week 40, they might induce labour.. I was hoping to avoid that but i guess i'll take whatever i can.. hahaha But Anjai is hopeful that the actual contractions will come this subuh and will give birth ala natural tomorrow... I also had brown color mucus coming out of me (*eww factor*). First time was yday morning and then 4am onwards today... They say that this is one of the signs so i am very hopeful!

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