Friday, March 13, 2009

Olympic Runner

Happy Friday all... I felt like it has been such a long week when we only had a 4 day work week.. well 3.5 days for me (hehe).. I guess now that i am so iski for leave, the days just seem longer..

I have officially begun my handover process to my colleagues last Tuesday, starting with the office mobile phone! hehe and also my emails!! I have taught her how to do check my emails (not that she is not capable of doing it on her own but ani specific instructions bah). Now that i am done with my payroll processing for the Month of March, i can fully concentrate on completing my handover process to everyone else, giving room for colleagues to practice for the next couple of days and ask me any questions should they have any.. hehe Syukur! now i can rest easy..

Went for my appointment yesterday and syukur CTG shows baby is ok although they took a longer one this time.. Nya Dr atu mcm olympic runner CTG chart nya! hehe

When i got home my mum told me that Akina was admitted in RIPAS. I learned that she was admitted because there is a possibility of cyst forming on/in her placenta which may reduce the blood supply to baby.. She is 34 weeks along and due to deliver mid April (i may be wrong on this) and there is a probability that they might have to induce labor in order to reduce danger to baby.. Apparently cases like this is rare.. Not sure what caused the formation of the cyst as her previous Ultrasound shows everything was normal.. Insyallah will visit later today after work.. I pray for both mummy and baby.. mudahan saja semua ok..

oh a Belated birthday shout out to AH's mum, Huaida.. hope you had a great day yday girl! hehe

and have a great weekend ahead y'all!

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