Wednesday, July 8, 2009

When i came home..

.. yesterday afternoon, This was the lovely sight that greeted me.. the husband decided to take Nadia for a stroll around our compound.. hehe

Hello Mummy

Mummy says: 'Buat apa Dia dlm stroller? Kan jln kemana?'

Mummy & Dia

Kesian si Daddy nya, paluh2

Dia with Kaka Caca & Kaka Adik

the curly one

After 15 mins

And after 20 mins.. hehe

Nadia & Angah Jilan who dropped..

This is how my fridge looks like when I get home. The two bottles on the right will be given to Dia the next day(today) and the other two on the left will be kept for storage.. hehe Syukur alhamdulilah my supplies has been consistent where I produce on average 7-9oz each session. There was one time a few weeks ago when i could only produce 4oz per session. It was when Dia woke up at from 4.30am for 2 nights in a row.. I find that I am uber lazy to pump early in the morning so I now pump in the office sja.. I know that I can produce more if i pump 3 times but i suppose a total of 14-18oz per day will be good enough since Dia takes in an average of 12-15oz per day.. hehe

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