A couple of weeks back, to be specific when the hubs was in KK with his friends, I got a tad curious as to why my period was uber late again.. So peed on a stick and it showed2 blurry lines.. hmm While waiting for the hubs at the Airport I went off to the pharmacy and got a digital and supposedly better test kit and as soon as we got home, rushed to the Loo and peed on the stick.. It clearly showed 2 lines and it also said that I am 5 weeks along.. So imagine the hubs’s reaction when I presented him with the stick and said ‘happy birthday, here’s your birthday present, just what you wanted’ HEHE
I was happy to find that I am carrying baby no 2 but at the same time was a bit sad cause this would mean that I would have to wean Dia off and will not be able to reach the 2 year exclusive breastfeeding for Dia.. We immediately started to introduce FM to Dia and have to say I think introducing FM to Dia was even harder than BFing!! Huhu To date we still have yet fully succeeded in weaning Dia off BM and she still feeds from me when I am around.. Bless the child for still thinking Mummy’s BM is still best and preferring my Bs over the bottle.. hehe
So how far along am I now? 13 weeks!! *weeeeeee* I have been itching to write about the pregnancy but as a norm for us, we only tell people (other than close family and friends) once I reach my second trimester.. hehe
So first trimester has been… INTERESTING..!! I had the chicken pox, fever and also evening sickness.. I also experienced ‘baus’.. True to what my MIL said to me, each pregnancy is different… Although I seem to be getting my appetite back now but there is still some food that I prefer over the other like noodles over rice..
Both Anjai and I are very excited to welcome Little Bub into our family… hehe
Oh we also have been telling Dia about ‘Adik’ and everytime we ask her mana ‘Adik’ she will lift my shirt up, tap my tummy and say ‘ani nah Adik’..