Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Silver Lining

Thank you sayang for the post.. (Signing 'You're my everything..' by that latin singer.. Marc Anthiny kah?) Apa nya org England 'Lovely is your posting. You know what i am meaning?' hehe 

When you are in a rut/dump or in a really crappy situation, people always say 'Ada krg tu hikmah nya'. Well i am a true believer of that saying. As i was in a situation where i was completely broken, felt like all i do each day is wander these roads lost and aimless, I finally found MY Silver Lining. And YOU my dear husband IS MY SILVER LINING.. I thank god each day that i finally found you and you have saved me when i was about to drown in a sea of darkness.. Syukur Alhamdulilah.. (ESEH! Emosi si nani! tapi banar, i mean each word i say, seriously.. HONEST! hehehe)

Coming to that i hope that what i currently face pun ada silver lining. At 18 weeks, i found that i am not prone to morning sickness or 'Baus' except for during Puasa but that was because of gastric, I now find that I face many odd illness. First was my swollen eye (last day of ramadhan), then it was diorrhea  (just last week) and now its 'KULIGATA'. I really don't know how to explain this but its red n hot patches which is uper gatal/itchiness all over my body. As stuborn as i am, i refused to go the hospital earlier in the evening as i believe that the doctor will just say 'If you can tahan, don't take any medications cause you are pregnant' (I mean what am i suppose to do? Of course i won't take any medication as i fear it will harm the baby) but at 10.45pm i just couldn't stand it. Jai took me to the hospital and the Doctor gave two shots of ... something.. So i am now resting at home and waiting for my medication to kick in so i can sleep peacefully until my appointment this afternoon at the Ante-natal clinic.. SIGH i do hope that with all this illness i will somehow develop some form of immunition against it and this immunition will be passed to the baby so he/she don't have to go through what I went through. (need more research if my theory is true or its just a myth)

Oh, last Monday We (Husband and I) attended a seminar held by Tutong clinic on Breast-Feeding and i have to say that there were information that i never came across in my research so far via So with that, I hope that expecting and future mothers out there, reading this post, please do attend those seminar when provided and bring your other halves. Jai was the only man there and the information can be useful to him too. PLUS now that he knows what us Mothers go through he will understand better and will be more supportive *i hope* hehe

Ok i think med is starting to kick in.. Goodnight world.. See you in a bit.

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