Monday, October 27, 2008

Say Cheese..

Syukur alhamdulilah the day has finally arrived when we get to see our baby for the first time.. My first ultrasound was held this afternoon and we were both very anxious and semangat for it. We were lucky that the nurses and doctor allowed the husband to join us in the room during the ultrasound (dunno about other clinics but apparently Tutong ones does not allow and does not print photos unless requested).. So without further adieu.. here is the first pic of our baby and we are very happy and proud to share it with you...

(as you can see, i took  pic of the pic hehehe) Can you tell if the baby is smiling? i think he/she is.. hehehe Mummy and Daddy was grinning all the way home and i think while sleeping too.. hehehe Jai took a video too but i am not as tech savvy as others so will need time to figure out how to upload the video here.. hehehe

Baby was very playful indeed as it took the doctor a while to take that pic.. (and i think this is the reason why baby is smiling.. di naya nya Dr atu hehe) in her words 'when i want to take, the head is there the body disappear, when i the body is there, the head disappear' hehe The experience was ... entah i dont know how to describe it.. We saw its head, body, two hands, two legs and i think the best was when we actually saw the heart beating... 

Sometimes i can't believe that i am growing a person in me and experiences like this makes it even more real.. Syukur alhamdulilah..

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