Thursday, December 11, 2008

The day she became a wife

The pictures are taken at my cousin's recent Nikah ceremony. Alhamdulilah all went well, Groom lafazed in one go altho voice begun to flutter in the middle but SAH!! hehe

Congratulations to Emil & Ernina!

From her to him. Hantarans are all designed in house and we are all very proud of the outcome hehe

His wedding ring and one of my favorite piece

The customary chocolates! I bet siok the guys side makan.. hehe

From him to her

Father of the bride

Signing off

My Uber gauk niece

Groom heading towards the dias utk di 'ijab kabulkan'

Officially husband & wife

B&G with Stargazers

B&G with the boys

This is one of my favorite shots of the day hence why i placed it last.

Looking at all the photos i didn't get a single shot of just me n the bride! Note to self and husband: take single photo with E13.

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