Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wedding Bells

To say I enjoy Weddings is such an understatement.. I LOVE WEDDINGS! hahaha It feels like just yesterday Anjai and I were busy preparing for our own wedding. I have to say we have enjoyed the preparation.. There were minimum interruptions from both parents in making decisions and they have left it all up to us.. So almost all were decided by the both of us and we were left happy with that. I guess they realise that its OUR wedding, OUR budget and hence things should be done according to OUR preference. But i know that can be tough as we live in a very close knit community and everyone just likes to get in our business. So my word of advise to friends and readers who are tying the knot:

I know you want have the wedding as YOUR wedding but don't shut out the advise from others. Take the advise as it is.. If you like it,take it in and improve it to make your own. If you don't, bin it.

A few people in my life are tying the knot and one is coming up REAL soon. Been busy helping her out with her wedding and i am glad that my past experience can help her. There were things that i didn't get to do during my wedding i get to do now. I do hope i am not being too invasive.. E13, if i am please feel free to stop me! hahahaha

Next will be Boo's wedding. I have to admit i am not helpful at all but i have my reasons and i do hope she accepts it hehe Don't worry boo, on your wedding day i will be your Risk Mitigator.. Will keep you company and happy in the room! hehehe I love you Boo!

And in 6 months time, it will be Shopaholic and Gamerholic's turn. I've been friends with Shopaholic since Primary 2 and she was that one person who helped me during my wedding. She put my shoes on, looked for people when i needed them, helped me with our hantarans and even fed me!! So when her time comes i hope i can help her as much as she has helped me.

oh Bie, to answer your question, a 'Wedding Registry' (list of items that my friends can buy for us as a wedding gift) was one of the items i wanted to have but never got round to do. And as a result some friends kept on asking what they can get me and end up having to scratch their head haha. so suggest you keep a list somewhere and for friends who ask you what you want, u can just tick them of your list. hehe (LG Mini Fridge is Mine!)

So i end this post a few of my favorite photos taken during our wedding.

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