Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Drive Safe peeps!

It has been raining heavily lately with exception of Sunday morning.. Nice and Cool weather and it makes me want to pull my comforter up my chin a little bit longer each morning. With that i do hope everyone drives extra carefully.. Jalan licin...

I find that i gravitate towards sweet things lately.. I have been having a constant crave of chocolates and ice cream.. Even in the cool weather pun i eat ice cream! I hope it does not increase my sugar level!

I have placed an extra list on the side and it says In Baby Box and changed things to pack to In Mummy's Bag. Well as you can see, the list entails the things that we need to pack and keep ready in our car. . I think i have included all things (and also trying not to pack everything) but feel free to highlight in case i miss anything out. hehe

Speaking of labor, prior to my SIL giving birth in RIPAS I never knew that you can request for an Epidural Anesthetics. I thought that those were only given to mothers who are undergoing Caesarean Section only and all this while i thought all mothers that went through normal birth does it naturally, i.e. no pain killers. So as usual i googled it and read up on it and found that Epidural is quite commonly used and it relives mothers of the pain. However it does prolong labour period as mothers is unable to feel the contraction and hence they can only push when the midwife tells them to. It also reduced blood pressure and hence the nurses will need to constantly monitor mother and baby' blood pressure which means you will get hooked up on a bunch of machines for monitoring purposes and IV fluids. And some also say that post Epidural, women experience more backpain and in their subsequent labor after that they will again, require Epidural in order for them to cope. I don't know how much of that is true, this is all based on my reading and also discussion with some friends.

It does however effect my decision (which of course will get trumped whilst i am in Labour). Insyallah i hope i will be able to withstand the pain and insyallah will resist Epidural Anesthetics. Pray to god i will have an easy and safe delivery. Amin.

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