Monday, June 8, 2009

Hari Pertama

Balik kerja...

It has been a rollercoster ride for me this morning. I woke up at 5am to feed Dia, pumped, prepared EBMs for her and proceeded to get ready for work. I cried my eyes out when she woke up and told her I am going to work and that she will have to stay with her Nini Girl and Aunty. I cried my eyes out when I was putting my tudong on. I cried my eyes out when i handed her to my mom, I cried my eyes out when I went into the car, drove out of my house and I cried halfway through the journey. Then i told myself 'ADANG!' and decided to stop. I decided not to call the house cos I know I will only start crying again if I do.

I did get news from the husband however that Dia is sleeping and has already finished her fourth bottle! I prepared 7 bottles of 2oz each this morning and I am now getting worried if that is enough for her!

I also pumped in the office for the first time and a colleague asked me how I felt cos dulu she sometimes cries when she pumped in the office. Alhamdulillah i did not breakdown. I just pictured Dia's big eyes. Plus I felt kinda silly cos what if my colleagues didn't know i was in the pantry and switched off the light (switch is outside the room). And i kept on telling them not to drink my milk! Inda jua kmi mau drg adik beradik sesusuan sma Dia tu and I so do not want to be thier 'mum' hahaha

In terms of work, so far it has a been a social call, no actual work done yet. hehe My office mates however are so sweet! They wanted to open up an account for Dia as their gift to us however since only the mother can do that, they got me the form and the money instead! hehehe

Ok i better get back to getting to know my PC back. I have forgotten my way around it! LOL

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