Tuesday, June 23, 2009

please allow me to..

.. vent my frustrations...

For the past few days some people have discovered that i pump in the office (well not that i hid the fact that i do but rather did not telecast the subject about). Well some of the reactions has been... how to say ah.. mcm disgust kali.. Mcm they gave me a loook and ask me why i pump in the office.

Well here are my reasons: (not that i think i need to justify myself to you)

1. If i do not pump in the office, my Bs will bengkak and I will leak. Rather than wasting my BM just like that i might as well pump and save them for my daughter.
2. I aim to give BM exclusively to my daughter for as long as i can and If i choose not to pump, i think my productivity rate will decrease hence reason number 2 is that I would like to maintain or increase production rate.
3. Its not like I pump out in the open you dumb ass.. I go into a room which has a working lock to do the deed so you can wipe that look on your face.

Other than that I have been getting comments like it might be difficult since I am a working mother. Well i think it is just difficult if you choose to make it difficult! I have been back at work for 3 weeks now and never have i received any comments from my mother re feeding Dia.

And comments whether my BM is enough for her or not.. I pump 3 times a day, producing 6 oz per session and Dia takes an average of 15oz per day.. According to my calculation, I can say that I produce more than what she takes so that should address your concerns..

so take that!

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