Tuesday, January 12, 2010

06 of 2010

Ola peeps! I drove home yesterday and after a day of procastinating I decided that today will be a better and productive day.. Oh yes it will! So far i have spoke to TC on the phone, printed some stuff to be filed and completed my minute.. so kira a deserved a break lah ni.. hahaha

I met a couple of friends over the weekend and some have asked me how my new maid is.. Thanks for asking you guys.. but my maid drama continues tapi masa ani on a break lah kali ni ah.. We returned maid no 2 to the agent cause it wasn't working out well. Both Anjai and I feels stressed if we come home and my dad agrees that she is probably not the one.. So now we have a temporary maid while we look for a more permanent one. Gotta say this temp maid is GOOD! gotta wish that she is our permanent one.. So maid drama continuess... LOL

oh I also went to a wedding over the weekend. Wedding of Emi and Saiful.. Congratulations you guys! Enjoy wedded bliss..


All of us

Photos are stolen from da65's FB *tee hee* And why was there no pictures of me and the bride and groom? well because i had a throbbing headache so I had to leave.. Blame it on the H1N1 vaccination!

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