Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Expressing and Travelling

I will be traveling on business trip on Sunday for about 6 days.. And when I got the instruction to do so, my immediate thoughts went to EBMs! hahaha The fist thing I did when I got home that day was stock check and I have been doing that on a constant basis now haha.. Alhamdulilah my EBM stock is now at 170oz.. AND if Dia takes up 24oz per day, my EBM stock will be able to last 7 days.. so insyaallah my EBM will last my whole trip.. hehe

Another thing I thought of was of course expressing during the trip.. I so far only have 1 medium-sized cooler and my SIL was kind enough to lend another medium-sized cooler and one small cooler. The medium-sized cooler will be placed in my luggage and small cooler in the hand carry.. The small cooler will be used to transport EBMs expressed while in the plane and in transit. I have made an expressing schedule for my trip going and coming back as total journey time for me is approximately 18hr each way.. *huhu* (making room for quick shopping trips in between toooo hehehe) *thanksss maiii!! Love you lotsss!! hehe*

With the cooler box I had to think about ice packs.. As the trip was last-minute and I don't think that my order for Technice will come in time so SDMummy was kind enough to lend me her technice sheets.. *thanksss daaaa!! Love you lotsss! hehehe I will ganti balik as soon as my orders come in aah hehehe*

Another thing that come to my mind was Dia of course! With Anjai being away for work as well, how are we going to manage thisss.. huhu Alhamdulilah he basically received an A-Okay for him to come home.. *woot woot* I can't thank his superior enough.. At least now Dia has one parent present at all times, during the night.. hehehe I hope the hubs will be able to manage sleeping with Dia alone.. and more importantly mid-night feedings! The pleasure of Bfing, I don't have to get up to feed Dia.. Again I hope the hubs manage the mid-night feedings and less sleep.. huhu Sorry love!

Things to pack (for expressing purposes):

1. Coolers

2. Ice packs + Technice sheets

3. Marker pen + masking tape
4. Sterilizing tablets

5. Pump (of course!)
6. Containers (for storage purposes as well as sterilizing purposes)

7. Zip lock bags

8. EBM bags

.. did I miss anything?

I emailed SQ re my requirements i.e. will need to use their freezer while in the plane, but they haven't replied me! GAHH!!! And I checked that maximum amount of liquid allowed for hand carry is 100ml each so will need to pack my EBMs in 3oz each..

Things to do:

1. Move half of EBM to freezer downstairs

2. Either move the bottle warmer in our room or the hubs will just make do with Hot water to warm bottles up for mid-night feedings (Hubs, your call!)
3. Download Skype for both Laptops!

Will miss the little one immensely but i hope she understands that sometimes work requires Mummy and Daddy to be away for a couple of days!!! huhu I am both excited and scared! So help me GOD!

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