Monday, May 11, 2009

Busy weekend

Elo peeps! Sorry for the lack of updates! Its been a busy weekend for Dia and her parents! hehehe 

It started with a visit to a Pediatric clinic in Kiarong. I try not to worry or panic at every corner of my journey as a new mother but for the past weeks Dia has been vomitting or rather 'muak'.. Sometimes its the amount she threw up sikit, sometimes banyak. What worries me the most is that sometimes the vomit comes out of her nose! Now even as adults, when that happens to us, padas kn rasanya? So i went and asked the Drs in Tutong Clinics and they seem to just dismiss it saying that since her weight gain is ok, its normal and advised us to just keep on burping her after every feed (which we do!). As i said before i try not to panic but i just can't stand it when i hear my baby cry so we went to visit the Dr in Kiarong and he kindly explained to us that the reason why Dia vomits is because of the air trapped in her and the reason why it comes out of her nose is because the bubble of air is to big and when it 'bursts' it comes out of Dia's nose. He prescribe 'Wind drops' which will help her to burp more and have smaller burps. So far, alhamdulilah we think that the med is working..

Then after the visit to the Dr, a trip to the computer shop in Kiulap and then Lunch with P at Nonya Serusop! Now this was an experience for us! This is the first time we have taken Dia out for a meal and we were a bit nervous.. Takut Dia mengusut.. And well she kinda did.. She was kusut kan tidur! So Anjai n I had to take turns to eat while the other cradles Dia.. hehehe P, sorry u didn't hold Dia, as u can see, we were nervous parents! We'll do better next time round hehe and hopefully the others will be able to join us then. After lunch a trip to the fabric shop and then head home as we were all pooped!

Sunday outing was a trip to Tina's place for a scheduled photoshoot for Dia. hehehe But since i haven't seen the gang in ages we decided to have lunch prior to the shoot.. Thanks Tina for having us at your place.. We had a great time and great company as usual. So anyways back to the shoot! It was amazing how Dia can cry cry cry and then when there is a camera, she quiets down and look at the lens! hahaha anyways, here is a photo posted up by Lens! Haven't seen the rest of the pics but i'm sure they are great!

Ngalih ku masih eh! ok bye! 

Oh before i forget, Thanks Mommy Sarah and Happy Mother's day to you too.. And you are indeed correct.. the first time for us.. hehehe

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