Saturday, May 2, 2009

Early Saturday Morning

Dia has a habbit of waking up really early and this morning she woke up at 6.30 wanting some attention.. While playing with her, we noticed that she kept on looking at her baby bouncer so we figured, its time... to let her sit in it..  She enjoyed it for a while then started to cry after 2 mins! haha anyways, here are some pics taken..

'Eh mcm siok jua duduk sini ani'

'ok ok, i'll pose for Aunty TC'


Dear Aunty TC,

I have never met you but Mummy says that you guys have been friends for ages so i am assuming you are ok... (Jadinya my mummy kn stay friends with you if you are not ok kan? haha) And she told me you got me the bouncer all the way from from the land down under.. Thank you for the gift and although I cried after a while, i promise i will enjoy it more once i get bigger k? hehe Thank you again and see you in July..


1 comment:

ZarZam said...

My dear Nania,
You look so cute in the bouncer. I'm sure you will like it as you grow into it. Yes, I am good friends with your mummy, and I hope you grow up to be just like her - a dependable, honest and funny person - someone's best friend.
I can't wait to see you too... just one more reason for me to wake up every morning and wishing I was back at home.

You be good... no crying esp. when you have full make-up on.
I mean it... look at Aunty TC now!

Love always,
Aunty TC