Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dia's second visit to the MCH

She was due for her second visit yesterday. Getting ready was better this time, more organised than before however Mummy's nerves was no different.. The thought of my baby being given a shot.. yikes!

Dia all ready to go to the clinic


and this is Dia when she was given the shot!

.. a you can see she cried a bucket!!! I still cringe when i see the whole video..

Dia sleeping in d car after the visit.. ngalih kali ia nangis2 or could it be the Panadol that the nurse gave her immediately after being given the shot? hehehe

I have been thinking about buying a bigger fridge for sometime now to store EBMs. We thought since i am due to go back to work soon and i really have a bad habit of wanting to make sure everything is in order before i go, we decided to go ahead and buy one.. *tee hee*

Deciding which one to get was a tough one! Do we go for brands? Freezer or Fridge? In the end we decided on a fridge.. a RED one! Well we leaned that way not because of the color, more because it has a good freezer size and the freezer area is organised in a drawer like manner which i figure will allow me to store my EBMs in a better and more organised way.. 

Dia on Mummy's new Fridge

Dia: WOW! Look at all my food!!! Yummyyyyyy

We LOVE this photo of her!


Dear Aunty Tracey,

See you soon too and my parents say Hi back! *wink*


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