Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I did a quick check on my EBM supplies last night and alhamdulillah I have about 260oz. So I am not worried about whether my EBM will be enough or not. Next thing I thought about was how many should I prepare. What I mean by prepare here is I move my EBM supplies from the freezer in our room to downstairs.. hehe As I am unable to predict how much Dia drinks in the evening I have to make assumptions based on my readings. Based on my readings, on average a baby takes in about 22oz per day and based on how much Dia takes in when I am away at work, she takes in about 10oz from 7am - 6pm so thats on average 1oz per hour. Since I will be away for 2.5 days I think it would be safe for me to prepare 60oz.

In terms of pumping I have a daily goal of producing 12oz do thats an extra of 2oz per day. On some days I get more and on some days I get slightly less..

One of my biggest worries is Dia sleeping.. since this will be the first time she will be sleeping without me, my worries is that my maid will not be able to cope with midnight feedings and stuff. Dia usually sleeps by 8.30 and then around 10pm she will want to be fed. I think i will need to tell my maid to prepare the EBMs in advance. For example in the evening she should prepare 4 bottles of EBMs which she can just pop in the warmer when its time to feed her. Or do you think she should warm the bottle up in advance (like immediately after her feed) and place it in her therma bag so when she wants to be fed inda payah lagi tunggu2..

So many questions!! ok back to work nowwwww

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