Stock check: 560oz!! Syukur alhamdulillah.. I believe that the stock that I currently have is double of the maximum amount i have ever had when I was BFing Nadia.. Alhamdulillah, rezeki sofiyya..
Please note that i have no intention to show off how much stock i have or be ambung for that matter, but it is rather a reminder and motivation to myself.. If other mums comes across my post, i hope it motivates you too..
Alhamdulillah this time around i am able to do it without taking any supplements. I make sure I drink lots of water and take milo at least once a day.. It comes to show that you don't need supplements in order to produce that much. All you need is to stimulate your Bs regularly, drink lots of water and a positive mind.. Insyallah, if our intent is tulis and ikhlas, insyallah Akan di permudahkan perjalanan Dan urusan..
On that note I think an investment in a good pump helps.. I am very glad that someone recommended the Medela FS to me. Prior to buying the FS I thought, why would I need my hands to be free while I express? Is it really worth the extra hundreds? Well Now I don't think I can express if I don't go handsfree..!! Not that I necessarily do something while I pump pulang but it does give me an option to do so.. I normally read or facebook or play games while I express and when I am relaxed like that I am able to produce more..!

Oh I have started to put a safety latch on my freezer door cos I have discovered it to be improperly closed on a couple of occassion which leaves some of the EBM unfrozen.. I don't know how the door is closed improperly closed but hopefully I doesn't happen again.. Speaking of freezers, need a second one soon *looks at hubs* LOL what I should be thinking about is should we get the drawer freezer (better organization of EBMs) or deep freezer (EBM lasts up to 6 months and cheaper)?
Other than a freezer I also need to stock up on EBM bags.. I currently store my EBMs at 2 or 2.5oz each.. I realized that I used up the 100 bags in approximately 2 weeks.. I will use up less bags as I start to increase the amount per bag.. The question is when should I start doing that? Sometimes Sofiyya finishes 2oz in one sitting but on some occasions she takes in bit by bit..
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