Sunday, July 17, 2011


I finally had my Mummy time last Thursday.. Had some errands to do and had lunch with the girls.. It was nice to see everyone and it is possibly our last lunch before Puasa.. Before one person pops baby no 3 out, before one goes on her much needed holiday, before one goes back to work and before one goes off on another trip to Korea! Too bad we forgot to take a photo huhu

Finally had pasta!! Om nom nom..!!

On Friday we took Sofie for her first trip to Yadu and Yaki's place.. Because hubs had to work on Sunday we decided to just go ahead and go back in the evening..

Yadu, Yaki & Sofie

Our trio!!

On Saturday hubs, Dia and I headed to Miri to fix the tints on my car.. What was supposed to be a short trip became a long one..! Alhamdulillah I managed to express 13oz in 10mins midday and another 9oz when we got home.. Sofie took in total 14oz so I still made a profit..! Oh and I now know roughly how much o prepare when I go back to work..

Nadia enjoying her shows on her iPod..

This photo was taken this morning. Even in her sleep Nadia seeks to be closer to her Adik..! I feel blessed in every way.. Syukur alhamdulillah and I pray that these 2 will remain close forever..

Hanging out

And then she fell asleep..!

Speaking of work, I have 7 weeks left before I go back to work hohoho...!

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